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StArch - Combine with tactical combat and character design

A topic by Iris's art lab created Aug 04, 2023 Views: 144
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Hello everyone, there are Iris's art lab.
We have designed a tabletop role-playing game (trpg) called "StArch".
The benefit of "StArch", in a nutshell, is a versatile kit that fits the desire to "role-play in a tactical combat game".
As long as you want to play tactical combat and also want to role-play, you can try "StArch"!

In addition, currently "StArch" is just a simple demo document, and display by Chinese.  We will try to add an English localization version when the official version is released.
The demo is available for everyone to download in free, and we welcome any feedback!

Here is the game link and screenshots within the document: