When trying to use the Auto Detect Actors button, an error is thrown blocking the rest of the operation. The error is as follows:
TypeError: Failed to execute 'readAsArrayBuffer' on 'FileReader': parameter 1 is not of type 'Blob'.
at index.js:1023:10
at be (index.js:1047:3)
at f (index.js:1088:7)
at _e (index.js:1093:3)
at index.js:4531:3
at Nt (index.js:4558:5)
at index.js:4590:9
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at index.js:4571:12
at er (index.js:5064:3)
Placing a breakpoint there, it seems blob
is an unresolved Promise here.
I’m on Linux using the AppImage version, although I tried the same thing on Windows and also received the error there.