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I've had 857 views and 67 downloads but not getting any feed back ;-(

A topic by InvertedConcept created Jul 20, 2023 Views: 402 Replies: 9
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Brick-It (Full Game) by InvertedConcept ( is free at the moment plus a couple of other free WebGL games can I please get some feed back so I can up my game making game.

Thank You.

(1 edit)

I totally get it...   (actively relates to your problem)

It's a lot easier for people to just pick up and play, then not really worry about giving feedback; It's not an obligation of theirs to provide feedback, and that's fine...

It'd just be really cool if they did, you know?

So. Up for a trade? My feedback for yours!

I've claimed your game in the sale and am getting ready to try it out; I'll leave honest feedback about it. And, if you'd like, you can give feedback for Grass Elemental in return (comment on the game page plz)! My very first little game... I could really use your input!

Again, you aren't obligated to, but feel free to comment and stuff. I'll update after my review!


Commented on the game page and rated! Keep this one up, it has lots of potential!

Thank you so much for your feedback! It made me smile :D 

I'm still playing your game... It's hard but addictive! I won't rest until I've beaten it lol

Good Luck... But don't get to distracted playing my game I need more of yours lol


Hi, I've played up to the third space level, and I like this game's concept! It's quite creative, and surprisingly challenging while still being pretty fun. I also like how the objects interact with each other in various ways.

That said, I do have several gripes with it that might be worth looking into:

  • My biggest issue is that most of the game's mechanics aren't explained at all in either the main page or the game itself. It took me a while to figure out that I could and was supposed to break the blocks by hitting them from below, let alone what coins do, why objects will suddenly start falling faster than usual partway through some levels, what makes octopi come out of their holes, the fact that I could jump on the sewer slimes in order to kill them or whatever's going on with the space worm's movement pattern. Sometimes its hard to tell if something is even an intentional mechanic or a glitch.
  • I'm not sure how to feel about the current lives system. The fact that you don't immediately lose your progress upon dying once is nice, especially considering the random nature of the game, but that effectively makes it a regular health system where taking damage pointlessly freezes the game for 3 whole seconds and teleports you to the top of the screen. Maybe try committing to one approach or the other.
  • I'm not sure if this goes against your vision for the game, but I think there should be a way to select specific levels from the main menu so you don't have to replay the entire game every time you want to redo one specific level.
  • Wasabi already complained about the octopus enemies and I agree with them for the most part, but personally I think the bullets are in the biggest need of a nerf at the moment. Right now they're alright most of the time, but if one spawns right above you it's almost impossible to react to it and avoid it, which can feel very cheap. I don't think nerfing their speed is a great idea because it's the main thing differentiating them from Thwomps, so maybe they should have some kind of telegraph before they actually enter the screen, or even be coded so as to never spawn right above the player.
  • The UFO could use a clearer telegraph for its laser attack as well, unless the intention is for the player to memorize how long the downtime between attacks is. Also, maybe tweak its AI so it doesn't stay in one corner for a significant portion of the level.
  • I think objects that disappear after a while, like coins and Thwomps, should have some kind of despawn animation, both so the game looks nicer and so you have a better feeling of how much time you have left to reach a coin. Even a simple flickering effect would probably do the trick.
  • Coins have some really weird collision issues. Blocks falling on them will crush them into one tile and then wobble on top of them until they disappear, and sometimes they'll bounce off the player's head instead of being collected if the player jumps under them, especially if they're stacked on top of each other.
  • Another apparent collision glitch I found makes it so that sometimes if the player moves into a block while in the air they'll cling to the side of the block instead of falling. It's especially common in the sewer and space levels for some reason.
  • Yet another glitch makes it so that sometimes the slime drops in the sewer levels will spawn two slimes instead of one, randomly making it near-impossible to jump on them without dying.
  • I'm not sure if this is even possible to fix, but I've noticed that sometimes, especially during "fast mode", two different objects will fall very close to each other and their sprites will overlap, which can lead to some unfair moments like dying because you tried to hit a falling block concealing a slime drop behind it.

Overall, I think the game has a lot of potential and is fun enough as is, but it could use a lot of polish. I hope this feedback helps.

That's brilliant feedback thank you. And well done for getting to the space levels :-)

Awesome! Glad this game is getting more feedback :)

hello my name is Tarique am the game dev for SPEED OF LIFE 3D

I would like to give you feedbacks on your game so it can improve . send me your game link so I can give you feedbacks, review and even ratings on your game .

for those who games have not got a feedback as yet visit this site and join the group

Brick-It (Full Game) by InvertedConcept (

you would have to go to group and send it there because am not really on all the time 

Here’s the link