If you're looking for a writer, please, consider hiring me
My Discord: ordinary_writer_person
My writing experience:
Wizard School Exchange Student - Blue Witch Games
The Witcher Hunt - Virtual Passion Studio
The Solomon Ring 1: The Cumvent - Virtual Passion Studio
The Solomon Ring 2: Lust’s Domain - Virtual Passion Studio
The Solomon Ring 3: The Temple of the Body - Virtual Passion Studio
Girls by The Road - Virtual Passion Studio
My Sister And I, Episode 6 - Tortilla Dreams Studio
Why Just Not, Like, Kill All the Zombies? (Webnovel)
Last Man Tournament: Altair (Webnovel)
Killing [Gods] With My Sister (Webnovel)
The Strongest Loser In The Magic School (Webnovel)
WTM Academy - Ninoss
Games links:
Webnovel links:
Patreon Links:
Wizard School Exchange Student https://www.patreon.com/BlueWitchGames
My Sister And I: https://www.patreon.com/tortilladreams
The Witcher Hunt, The Solomon Ring 1: The Cumvent, The Solomon Ring 2: Lust’s Domain, The Solomon Ring 3: The Temple of the Body: https://www.patreon.com/VIPStranger
Webnovels: https://www.patreon.com/trashwithglasses
How can I improve the game: worldbuilding is not only part of my profession, it’s a passion of mine, and I promise that I can not only fill up the plot gaps with interesting and spicy text, but also deepen it, no matter how elaborate it already is. I’m also proficient in writing sex scenes, descriptions, and any type of character my clients wish for, and my writing style is very adaptable, having experience in writing anything, from non-pornographic hard fantasy novels, to old-styled “porno-like” simpler games.
My favorite books/games:
Books: A Song Of Ice And Fire series, The Chronicles of Arthur, There’s no Epic Loot Here Only Puns Favorite
games: The Elder Scrolls series, and the Fallout series.
Favorite board games: Gloohaven, Spirit Island.