Hello, everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read this post. My visual novel, The Kitty Companion, has been finished for a while. I'm proud of the fact that I was actually able to finish a project for once, but idk. I feel as though my writing in the game was pretty meh. I went for a more satire/comedic type of writing, but I feel as though it came off as a little too edgy. (Excessive swearing was also a little too much). I wanted to know what others thought of it. Is it Shakespeare level art or complete dog sh-
(Probably the dog one)
I've always been hesitant to share things because I was afraid of criticism, but I do realize that criticism is important, not just for game development but life in general). So please tell me what you think. I won't cry (hopefully)
Here's the game: https://lunarmoonstudios.itch.io/the-kitty-companion
Anyway, have a nice day!