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Cue Roll

The dices of fate will decide your inevitable death. · By Spico

Where have I been? Sticky

A topic by Spico created Jun 19, 2023 Views: 69
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Hello, the two of you who still follow this page! I have been away for a while as you may have seen, Cue Roll was when you last heard of me, and for all you know I may have met with a terrible, terrible demise. However that is far from the truth (for now).

I have been studying for my university exam for the whole year, and although I have still tried making games during that time, whenever I worked on anything I felt as if I could have used my time to study for that instead. However I am happy to say that I am back better than ever, with all the freedom in the world to go back to working stuff again!

I may have cancelled a lot of games, however that doesn't mean that I have not improved. I actually somewhat can code shaders now (so i don't have to use a repurposed GB emulator shader for the colors), and my capabilities when it comes to what i can do has greatly increased! 

So, what now? Well, Cue Roll will be receiving an update relatively soon! I have just started to port Cue Roll to Godot 4 from the ground up as of the time of writing this (the old code is kind of shit to be blunt), ontop of that though the game will be polished, the game feel will be improved, and who knows what else there will be?! I don't want to spoil anything, but I am making progress towards it, the wait will be worth it! Cue Roll wont be the end however, I have ALOT of projects I want to work on, and this definitely won't be the last time you see Q...

...Q is the ghost. Yes, she has a name.

Regardless, godspeed lads!