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Love and Corruption

A new world to explore and discover, full of love and corruption. · By Airell


A topic by meero619 created May 28, 2023 Views: 588 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 5

Hello there, I've downloaded the game, got the cheat version, because the game does sound quite promising, but when I ran the game? there were a lot of unlabeled buttons and sections.
I'm using a screen reader by the way to play the game, any chance of an accessibility fix? since I'm quite liking what I read so far and would love
to enjoy the game to it's fullest, and thank you for all your hard work. :)


Unlabeled buttons and sections? I would like to receive more details, if you can... If you would like, you can join our Discord. Communication is much easier there.

Added already, in the latest versions... 

try switching to landscape mode. portrait mode is wonky.

Just to close this topic, the game became accessible in the latest updates. Everything should be fixed now.