- What is the latest version?
- The version is usually up to date on Patreon. If you don't have the message in the main menu saying there is a new version available, you are up to date. If you want to get the latest version go here.
- What's an 'Early supporter'?
- It's a permanent role only available at the beginning of the development cycle. People with this role will receive later rewards which will make it worth to trust the development process.
- I can't get past XYZ. Is this a bug?
- If you exhaust every possible combination of what there is to do, then you are probably at the end of content.
- Not always, but often there are UI screens at the end of content. The content is often non-linear so there can be more content after UI information.
- Some quests are marked as WIP. Yet this can't be 100% accurate of content exhaustion since not every story is linked to a specific quest and not every story is in linear order.
- If you think something should be available, but isn't in your build, you can double-check by Viewing changelog, creating a post, or pinging me on discord anytime!
- Do my saves get deleted after I uninstall the game?
- No, the saves are stored in different locations.
- Yes
- How to install the game without losing saves?
- The app folder doesn't matter, the saves are stored at different locations. Unpack normally without overriding previous files.
- Just install the new file, WITHOUT previously uninstalling it.
- Where are my saves?
- For very technical information look here
- %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\HIkkeiru\Guild of Spicy Adventures
- /storage/emulated/<userid>/Android/data/GuildOfSpicyAdventures/files
- Why does it ask me for a code?
- The game is free, with delayed content for public access. The game exists thanks to the support of patreons.
- Where is the code?
- It's in your welcome message after supporting the development.
- I cannot launch the game "Path is too long"
- Move the game folder to a location with a shorter path. Try desktop location or straight to other drive ie. D:/GOSA
- Having it in folder with invisible symbol may not work. (This is unity package bug)
- When I click start new game nothing happens.
- Possible problem:
- If your game is in hidden folder, move it out of this hidden folder! (This is Unity package bug.)
- Possible problem:
- Stuck after entry to the city?
- As of 01.2024 there is a reported problem with game window being to small. The arrow with the story continuation is hidden out of the screen. Switch to windowed more with 16:9 ratio, that should show the arrow on the screen to the left.
In case of other problems please write developer a message.
Are there any important questions missing here? Let me know!