"Glory to us" is a story-based "mini-game".
"What ? A story-based mini-game ? Are you kidding me ? we're not in the 80's anymore" Some might say ! We're old school, we like a good story in our games...lol The game follows the main character "Sam", a phone in his quest to find his kidnapped friend (Who is also a phone ... Dah !) That's all we're allowed to reveal for now, for more plot details I'm afraid you're gonna have to play the full game...Lol
Anyways, here's the demo of this game. Hope you enjoy it ! "What ? A demo for a mini-game ? Are you kidding me ? What kind of game is this " Some might say ! Well for those who say that : Chill ! Give it a try you might enjoy it, just like you secretly enjoy twilight !
Link: https://sy-studios.itch.io/glory-to-us