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Material Upgrade Tree

An Incremental Game Where Numbers Go Up · By Ben_YT45


A topic by ^densch created Apr 24, 2023 Views: 106 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 3

Ehm, how do you produce stuff?

I know how to upgrade production.
but i dont see no way to actively produce stuff.

some basic grass seems to be produced by itself.
and stone seems only gettable by prestiging in small amounts.

dont see what the x2 stone upgrades do if you got no passive or activ stone production.
but only can get a few chunks when prestiging.
Am I missing something?

Now Isee.
Jsut beat the game or what is already implemented of it.

Sure took quite a long time to achieve anything meaningful stone-wise but once that started up, number kept getting higher.

Main issue I currently see is that you have nothing to do.
you literally have to sit there and watch numbers rise.

you cant jsut go to another window and watch youtube or such (and let the game run in the background) either, since it seems to recognize once the game winodw isnt in focus and on top, so it stops doing it's thing.

so yeah, stare at those numbers or they simply dont rise if the window arent visible in the front.

otherwise, pretty enjoyable game :-)


Im trying to add minigames like the clicker one so that people have something to do while they wait, if you have any ideas for mingames or other things to pass the time I would like to hear them