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Voice work

A topic by Titan created Mar 07, 2023 Views: 198 Replies: 20
Viewing posts 1 to 7

This is for any posting any scripts that need voice acting and hopefully posting the scripts final product

I'm the mid range amateur voice acting


So we send you the scripts and you voice them?

(1 edit)

If it fits my vocal range


Got it.


Just needed to know: How will you send the lines back to me?

sorry I'm just now responding but we could figure it out. We could do email or something.


It's okay.


Just wanted to say we have another voice actor joining the team. I didn't even ask, he just stumbled on my old post and asked to join. Just to give you a heads up.

ok can't wait to meet em


So how do you think of the game so far? I know you've been keeping tabs on the project and I wanted your opinion.

so far I like it, I need to catch up on stuff but other than that I think it's pretty cool


I hope your still with us. I will be needing some voice-lines soon, so keep in touch.

ya I'm still here, I check up on progress every once in a while 


Could you send like, a voice line or something, so I know who you could play in the game?

Sure I guess, it might take me a little bit. How should I send it to you?


You could use Dropbox. Or maybe create a public project using your account.

could you also give a couple generic lines

Developer (2 edits)

Gotcha. So there are two characters that I'm currently looking for voices. Jesse (protagonist), and Jack (side character). 

Here's a conversation between the two characters, written in my garbled version of a script:

Jack (casual) "Hey, Jess! How ya doing?" 

Jesse (Distracted) "Yeah...uh, good.... Do you know what happened to Mark?"

Jack (Humorous) "Jesse, unlike you I am not bound to any one section of the company, but, I know three Marks that work here and as far as I know, nothing has happened."

Jesse (Confused) "Well, then you don't know the one I'm talking about: Mark Halfor."

Jack (Laughing) "Yeah, I know him. I saw him just earlier. What's the matter with him?"

Jesse (Angrily Confused) "He's been replaced! How could you not see that? There's some sort of automaton in his place."

Jack (Concerned yet Humorous) "Well, okay. Well I'm busy right now-" (whispers) "Got a meeting in 10 minutes-" (normal volume)  "But I'll take a look at him and tell you what I see later okay?"

Record as much or as little as you want. I just want a sample of each character to see which you can play better.

last question, is Jesse male?

Developer (1 edit)

Yes. I edited the post with an end to the conversation in case you need that.