Hi, I'm Mary, a pixel artist, and I'm happy to introduce you to my first pixel pack! I hope this pixel pack will help enhance your game and make it even more enjoyable!
LINK: https://marybetetiro.itch.io/yummy-food
Yummy Food pixel pack contains 65 food icons [32x32] .
Cakes and desserts: 21 icons.
Fruits and vegetables: 19 icons.
Fast food and sushi: 12 icons.
Other: 13 icons.
First of all, thank you for taking the time to read this! In the future, I plan to update this pack and add new icons. Do you have any ideas on how to make this pack even better? Please leave a comment or send me an email at betetiro@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you all!
As for future packs, I plan to create a cute world with farms, a good user interface, and also food cafes with delicious menus! So, if you like this idea, please subscribe so you don't miss out on these packs! THANK YOU!