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I Wanna Lockpick

A strange puzzle game about matching colored keys and doors. · By LAWatson

What a ride

A topic by Dadik2580 created Feb 08, 2023 Views: 223 Replies: 1
Viewing posts 1 to 2
(1 edit)

Spoilers for some of the very endgame content, so here's rot13:

Whfg svavfurq gur svany yriryf (V guvax naljnl, srry serr gb pbeerpg zr vs gurer ner zber guna 135 yriryf) naq bu obl, gur ybtvp va gung arneyl znqr zr ybfr zl zvaq.

Obgu bs gur svany yriryf gbbx zr nobhg gur fnzr gvzr, nebhaq 2 ubhef rnpu ohg juvyr Hygvzngr Qbbe Ybtvp riraghnyyl whfg znqr zr znq orpnhfr V sbetbg nobhg bar gval qbbe, Puebzngvp Zbabyvgu jnf gur pbzcyrgr bccbfvgr naq V nofbyhgryl ybir vg.

V fbyirq nyzbfg nyy bs vg rkprcg V zvfpnyphyngrq bar yvggyr qrgnvy. V gubhtug V pbhyq -v Znfgre Xrl gur -6v oynpx-tyvgpu qbbe gb trg zl 6 juvgr xrlf. Ohg jura V npghnyyl tbg gurer nsgre nyy bs gur bgure cnguf V fhqqrayl frr gung zl fvta jnf jebat. Vafgrnq bs trggvat znq, jung V trg vf gur zbfg vaperqvoyr eriryngvba guvf tnzr tnir zr. V svanyyl haqrefgnaq gur obggbz bs gur znc, gur irel svany qbbe, gur ernfba gurer ner 2 cnguf onpx hc sebz gurer. Univat gb hfr gur qbbe lbh'er gelvat gb bcra nf na ryrzrag va gur chmmyr ol univat gb qhcyvpngr vg va n jnl gung npghnyyl tvirf lbh gur xrlf lbh arrq gb haybpx vg vf nofbyhgryl travhf.

Thank you for this experience, I'm very much looking forward to part 2.

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I know! The shock you get realizing the door is the wrong way round! I had done the math in my head and figured this out, but I had so much trouble believing it I went and tested that aspect of the solution. The moment of shock when you realize there is more than one door that can be white...