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A topic by Hooligapps created Feb 07, 2023 Views: 10,389 Replies: 33
Viewing posts 1 to 23

Dear players!
I wanted to ask you - what do you like about our game, what game mechanics or maybe animation/art.
And what don't you like, your wishes and suggestions.

I'll wait for your feedback and will pass everything to the developer!
Join our official discord server -

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I did not get the first purchase reward. I bought something for $0.99 in the shop and paid with paypal. After I made the purchase on epoch, the game said "Purchase Cancelled", but i received the gem and the essence from the $0.99 purchase, but I did not receive the first purchase rewards with 50 SSR Roven hero souls and other items. The first purchase reward ad also disappeared. I checked my paypal and the payment did go through. My ID is 172584

Developer (1 edit) (-1)


Thanks a bunch.


will there be downloadble version in future also will android be avalable

(2 edits)

Hi! I am mattatore, user 172174.

I will not describe the advantages of the game, I think it is rather subjective and will make the post too big. I will tell you about the shortcomings and my suggestions for improving the game.

1. I would like to have a deck like in the Dirty League. There are at least 4 locations in Booty Heroes (Campaign, Arena, Waterfall and Journey), and during the game you collect a lot of cards. Plus, there are bonuses for certain combinations of cards. Definitely need some sort of order and sorting in all of this. And there should be a Faction Aura display nearby to see the changes in bonuses.

2. I would like to sort when searching for an opponent in the Arena. Or a more accurate search for a player. Obviously, if my damage is 10k, I won't even think about climbing up to an opponent with 100k damage. Flipping through in search of a suitable one can be tedious / long.

3. At the moment, the player's personal level gives nothing but 20 diamonds. Maybe you should think about some additional bonuses every 5/10/20 etc levels? Both in terms of inventory and improvements for your board.

4. Speaking of bonuses. It's not a bad idea to introduce elixirs as in DL. For example, an increase in damage to Chaos girls and so on. Because some levels in the company take too long to pass. Maybe it would help speed up the process.

Also a few comments on the gameplay.

-- I would like to be able to have a quick battle in Journey when the enemy is clearly weaker.

-- Thea's girlfriend's event recently ended. And it's been hanging closed for days. Will there be a restart? A new event? I would like to see a timer like in DL.

-- I also collected several bags-chests for winstreaks in the Waterfall. They just hang there. How the prizes are awarded is not too clear.


Thank you for your review! It will definitely be read by the game designer!



1. ok. Regarding the bonus, they really should be shown better.

2. The Arena shows the next 15 opponents. We don't determine who ended up next. When we have more players the sorting will be better

3. A nice thought.

4. Good idea, thank you

The more winstreak in the Waterfall, the more rewards at a time. For 5 wins 2 bags, for 10 wins 3 bags. If you lose, again for winning 1 bag. (c)

(2 edits)

hello. First I want to say that I enjoy the game. 

I would like to See more n, r, sr Heros for light and darkness because right now there are none at the Moment. 

I also have a question. What is the exact chance to pull an UR hero. Right now it says <0.1%. So how much exactly is it? 

Feedback from playing: 

I Played through the early game and my Progression became quite slow. I wanted to mention that I think that shere should be a little bit more essence available in the game. So do you intend to adress such an issue in the future?

Also I dont get how the rewarding System in oblivion works. I bought multiple pieces of the armory pieces in the Shop but I dont See them anywhere. How does it work and updating this rewarding System to make it more clean would be a great Implementation.

I would also like to See more Filter variations in the Heroes section. Filtering all stats and rarity would be cool. 

Also I think that Adding a Feature where the Player can See the skill Set of a hero He doesnt have unlocked would be useful.

Thank you for your time and your game. 


When I try to make a purchase with PayPal it doesn't have any option for me to make the purchase. No button that says purchase or an option to sing into pay pal...The game just popped up as an advertisement. I don't know if it's not the official site, but can I get any advice? Thanks 


Hello! Can you tell me your game ID?

Good, day

Hello, I think its AngelxWarrior -- Player info name is  Misenus Noeë that was randomly generated. 

They have a deal I wanted to get but it last only 55 more min lol...It does not show any options when I click pay pal. it does not allow me to log in like other sites. It has no button to move forward. I'm at a lost. 


Hello! I bought snowflakes today for 270 kopecks. I paid for it with Blik from Poland. The money was withdrawn. No goods. There is an archive when viewing the history that the payment went through. What to do ?  Name in game AlexMinski. Withdrew 104.98 PLN

Payment arrived later. Spun it 10 times. Not a single violet or gold dropped. This is fine ? I don't think it's worth it anymore)

Hello! I wanted to make a second payment today to the site The first payment was late. But then the money was transferred to them. Now I wanted to pay a second time, but I received this message: We're sorry your request could not be processed. I paid BLIK for the first time. Bank Santander from Poland. Sincerely, Alexander
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Nice game bad mechanics ( since you asked for feedback)

Nice game: needless to say,  lots of good ideas, various quests, campaign, things to do and lovely graphics, stories

bad mechanics: this game cannot be played unless you are investing lots of money. Without money it gets boring after 2 weeks (!). Why ? Because there is nothing new that could be achieved within a reasonable amount of time. These are the reasons:

1. Reaching campaign level 13-10 means you have to fight lvl 230 UR and SR team or lvl 230 Ella in gentlemen club, or lvl13 waterfall which starts with 99k team ( ~lvl 220), that way there is no way you can do a streak of 5 or 10 wins.

2. Leveling your heroes to 220 is doable, but beyond that they have to be SSR. If you have a  SR hero like ashe, you need lvl 220 ashe (10 stars), then promote to SSR, then you need another SSR ashe ( with 3 stars, lol, tell me how to get that) and another SSR shark (doable) and 1000 purple dust. then you can level Ashe to 11 stars and up to level 240. Practically, the money and the sharks needed is too much. You want a whole team on 240 ? you do this 6 times. Or you have enough sharks for SSR or UR, which is practically impossible. I bet beyond 240, the ennemies will be stronger, and your team is useless, and you have to re-invest lots of money again.

3. The 1000s of normal sharks turns out to be useless after 2 weeks. So obviously spawning them in summon, or giving them at a price is a joke.

4.  After 2 weeks, all the welcome packages, or also the upgrade packages with 1 to 3 SSR heroes look worthless for the price of Euro10. How much money do you need to level one SSR that way to lvl 240 ?

5.Sure people has to make a living, and a f2p game encourages players to spend money. But in good games, the money help speeding up what ever would be otherwise possible with the time. If one can foresee that there is nothing new achievable within 2 weeks, there might be no point of continuing to play.

6. btw, the academy is useless, the heroes get the level but not the stats. For example the speed is miserable, such heroes are just "food" for ennemies: If the enemies can do 3 consecutives skill shots to many objectives without dying, chances are half of your team is wiped out.

7. If you gets 4 UR sharks of the same hero, you are happy, aren't you ? Well, this means you get a 6-star hero, thats it. Remember, lvl 220 is a 10 star hero. In other words, useless: because after 2 weeks, you fight vs lvl 230 UR heroes, with all the stats and buffs...

8. Summarizing for new players: 

IF you have a lvl 220 team, you have approximatively 100K strenght, this is where you get stuck:

Waterfall:lvl 10, only way to get a 20+ win streaks, lvl 11,12,13 you wont be able to get 5+ win streaks.

Journey: lvl 20 is doable many times, meaning you should not achieve lvl 22, otherwise you end up coming in and not being able to achieve any map at that level at all. Unless you spend money to buy revival drinks.

Campaign: 13-10: squad of 101K UR and SSR at level 223. Unkillable.

Pleasure dam: Ella, lvl 230 in gentlemen club, also unkillable, meaning you completed 2 chapters at most.

Oblivion: The most I achieved was when ennemies are at level 140, and this 38 times to complete the map.... ( I think map 13)

Arena: Veteran (12 tickets each day, 500 pts: achievable). If you happen to buy tickets and achieve 1000 points, you will be disappointed, because it does not give you the assassin league. I don't know what needs to be additionally done, besides having more than 1000 points. Why change the  system ?

Summon: its a joke, anything less than SSR is useless, just to be sacrified to level up worthy heroes ( SSR and above). I suspect that reaching certain level one will realize that also SSR heroes are worthless.... Meaning, you only needs 2 weeks to know that the normal summoning stones (green) are worthless. And the Epic summoner stone sometimes gives you R Heroes ^^.

Anyway, there are lots of love and effort in providing the game, so I wish the project team with lots of success.

Excellent post. It just confirms to me that someone else has the same points of view as me. lol Thx!

Саn anyone explain how leveling angels work? @Hooligart?

Finally got 8016 angel dust, leveled up one angel... And.. what next? Literally got 2/30 levels, thats all, no stars. Next level - 8032 ad's needed. Second star = 30/30 levels? Considering angel dust only found in campaign chest (can't even buy it), getting even 30 levels = years, if not decades.

And strangest thing - spent 8016 angel dust's, still got 2897 in inventory, is it too, bugged?

Hello, Whenever i try to make a purchase i get to epoch and it just says "

Problem retrieving transaction request


I cannot find a way to change my payment methode either as it seems to be locked on iDeal right now.

can someone please help? ID: 2524047


Dear Player,

I have reset the payment method.

Now if Epoch declines your payment, you will be redirected to SegPay.

If it doesn't help as well, please contact the company that refused your payments.

It worked once again, For a single time, I think it's a recurring problem :(

Good Day.  I've been enjoying the content and quirky little battles in this game!  Getting pieces to complete sets (or remove them) has some entertainment value!  

No real issues until today.  Two times I went to heal my battle squad in the 'Oblivion' challenge, but somehow ended up healing characters in the 'Journey' challenge.  Pretty odd.  I didn't notice anything that says they are connected, so I think this is an error.  

Any ideas on what's going on there, or if that's normal?

Thanks for the fun & sexy game!

Would it be possible to implement a mechanic that allows you to "smart promote" characters? if you have a lot of lesser characters, it is a hassle to promote them all.


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Anything you guys can do about the level 1's in the Arena that never die?  LOL.  It's pretty nifty for them, but not so fun for anyone that tries to battle them.

Enjoying the update so far.  Thanks!

I think its because their normally in the temple, so they're supposed to be a higher rank

(1 edit)

Привет. Я предлагаю вам создать что-то вроде обмена карточками персонажей. Так как отсутствие необходимых карт является распространенной проблемой, я предлагаю такую схему: одну карту UR можно обменять на любую одну карту того же ранга или на две карты ранга SSR и так далее. Возможность обратного действия (обмен двух SSR-карт одного персонажа на любую одну карту ранга UR) оставлена на ваше усмотрение.

I would like to be able to sell cards of unnecessary heroes, because why more than 100 N-rank hero cards?

Также, пожалуйста, добавьте возможность пропустить анимацию открытия сундука во время Путешествия. Эти обновления упростят и ускорят прохождение игры. Мой ID: 1943922

Why does Oblivion difficulty ramp up so quickly? The first level is easy with opponents being 1's & 2's. The next level jumps to 9-11. None of the other mini games ramp up that quickly/

I've got to the point my squad is lvl 220 and leveling past this point is just ludicrous. I need thousands and thousands of purple dust in order to upgrade each girl, and they come at 100 a pop only from one of the girls I can beat up in the events. Considering the downtime of events, it's unlikely I could upgrade the squad sooner than 2 months time, that's two months of basically not progressing at all.

There should be more sources of dust around. 

Also, I don't see what the angel does. I've spent millions of gold on her, and I notice no difference using her and not using her.

It'd be nice to have a system to fast upgrade equipment. Clicking 500 times per item is quite tiresome and unless you're being sponsored by mouse companies, it's a bad trait.

The game mechanics is really good. Though I'd like to suggest, the game have animated gifs of characters like the one the Alice event at the left side of the character, why not make it an option to see them while viewing the character story or even while viewing the Hero's list.

Also, I'd be great if you can update the novel and also improve the interface.
I think this game would be much better if you can tie up the stories and make the world building much more immersive.

Also, maybe it's time to release it as a separate game program/software as well.

I really enjoyed the recent Maze event. It felt like the perfect event for players stuck at around 200 - 220. After playing for about 60 days, I have some takeaways.

First, there was not enough dust, specifically green and blue.  The maze event required the promotion of heroines to keep progressing, and I ran out of blue and green dust to use with normal and rare heroines.  Yet the prizes gave me more yellow and red dust than I could ever use.  You need so much green dust to use the normal heroines, and you need so many SR heroines for every promotion level.  This meant I couldn't promote Alice even though I had more copies of her.   Maybe allow higher quality red, gold, and purple dust to substitute for green and blue dust, with higher rate dust worth more?

SSR heroines are useless after level 260.   It is extremely rare to pull them, and the promotion requirement of having a 12-star SSR heroine to use gold dust means it just isn't possible to ever promote your SSR at the same rate you can promote UR.  You need like 18 copies of an SR to move from 260 to 280 (and every step when it asks for a copy of your upgraded SSR as a UR), when you should only need two copies and 1000 gold dust.  You are more likely to get enough copies of UR heroines than enough copies of SSR heroines to promote and use past level 260.   Note that this also effectively stops SR, R, and normal heroines from mattering in the end game.  Their only use becomes promotion fodder for the UR's.   SSR can't help with promotion, thus useless.

The store offers are not useful since you need many copies of a heroine to consider adding her to your team in the later game. The only way to make the store worth it with only single copies is to also add a skin of the heroine since it is next to impossible to get those in game.

I would very much like to know the heroine's name when I participate in a journey, campaign, or other mode. If I hover my mouse over her, it should display her name. This helps me figure out who should later go in my party. It would also help players spend money because they would know who to buy.

There should be a fast promote button for oblivion and even when moving out of the academy. I do not enjoy clicking hundreds of times to promote a heroine from the academy because she has caught up with the main six and can overtake them in level. I want a button in Oblivion to add 10 levels at once.

Finally, several areas of the game refer to the heroines as males, such as the heroine reset area and Kiko's six-star ability. Please make sure your game refers to all the heroines as female.

1.Garbage games     2.The newbie experience is not taken into account  3.There is no experience for free players   4.Planning is a dog

I'll start with an apology to all the vets who know the game better than I ever will for my newb question or comment, buuuut....can we get the "reset" time for the hero's health cut down to a reasonable level, like 12 hours instead of 24? Also, is it possible to add a timer of sorts to know when their reset will happen?  I mean, I'm new to the game, but not a fool....I understand the developers reasoning behind the 24 reset clock which is for the players to spend real dollars to expedite the process, but I believe that cutting it back to 12 hours wouldn't slow the rate at which 90% of the players pay with actual money. Just my .02. Thank you.

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