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Rates in FPVFreerider to match Cleanflight

A topic by jchan created Jun 08, 2016 Views: 1,049 Replies: 3
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Hi guys,

Love the sim. Learnt how to fly around in less than week!

Since I learnt how to fly using default freerider 'high' rates, I want to match this on my new quad but don't know how to match it with the settings in cleanflight. Does anyone know what the relationship between fpvfreerider and cleanflight rates are?


(2 edits)

On cleanflight go to the PIDs page, on the right side of the screen you'll find the "rates" (ROLL, PITCH, YAW)... play with those values until you find the good balance. You'll probably need to check out your TX's expos and settings too... usually you'd better set expos in either the flight controller (cleanflight) or the transmitter (whatever you're using)... not both! :)

Thanks MiSKLaCH

So there are no rate values for cleanflight to match the 'high rates' settings in FPVFreerider? I need to guess and check them?

One is a simulator, the other is the real thing... of course you've got to guess! ;)