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looking for tags relating to games that use a standard deck of cards

A topic by 14r434nn16htm4r3 created Jan 06, 2023 Views: 180 Replies: 1
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   Hello, like the title states, ive looked and cant seem to find a "standard card deck" tag similar to the "tarot" tag. Am i overlooking it or is it not available? I have found quite a few games that use a standard deck of cards, but there is no actual tag to group them together (that i can see). ive looked at the ones ive found and looked at their individual tags and that has not helped. A tag of that sort would help creators and players alike.

standard deck playing card games - Collection by 14r434nn16htm4r3 -

   I've gathered 120+ games and put them into a "collection".  I'm sure it will grow

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