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Creating a Game using Vite, BabylonJS, and TypeScript Part One: A Basic Scene with Objects, a Light, and a Camera

A topic by LwTGames created Jan 01, 2023 Views: 122
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Creating a Game using Vite, BabylonJS, and TypeScript Part One: A Basic Scene with Objects, a Light, and a Camera

Creating a Game using Vite, BabylonJS, and TypeScript Part One: A Basic Scene with Objects, a Light, and a Camera

Creating a Game using Vite, BabylonJS, and TypeScript Part One: A Basic Scene with Objects, a Light, and a Camera

If you need a fast, reliable, and lightweight way to create 3D browser games you've landed on the right post. With BabylonJS, a powerful 3D engine; Vite, one of the latest fast and lightweight build tools; and TypeScript, arguably a better version of JavaScript, we can create decent-sized WebGL games with realistic graphics, physics, skeletal animation, and post-processing effects just to name a few of the features.

Let's get right into it! --->