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Planetary Exploration Company - Major Update!

A topic by Christian Ibarra created Dec 08, 2022 Views: 231
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"Planetary Exploration Company" mixes the combat of Vampire Survivors with exploration, resource management, and story events like Oregon Trail.

As the leader of a company, you need to destroy the alien hives in the planet, hire employees, upgrade them, complete jobs, explore the planet to extract resources, research new technologies, and more.

Link to play the game page:


  1. Sound FX: added new sound effects.
  2. Story Events: when you explore, you can encounter story events. In them you can do actions which have positive or negative effects.
  3. Needs research: added a small sprite to the resources that need research, to make them popup and give them more importance.
  4. Day progress: added a visual bar that shows the progress of the day when you move your robot on the planet map screen.
  5. Log: added the log to the exploration screen, it shows you some of the things that happen while you explore in case you miss something.
  6. New jobs system: it allows for many different types of jobs and activities in different sector. When a job is complete, it gives a reward.
  7. Dead explorer tutorial: when the explorer dies, there is a new tutorial explaining that you need a new employee to fill that role in order to keep exploring.
  8. Unconscious: when a person's health goes to 0, he gets unconscious, which is a new property. He won't be able to do any activities until he recovers after a few days.
  9. Vitality: a new property that tells you how many times a person can recover from near death experiences.
  10. Lab icon: an icon for the research lab, it matches with another small icon that refer to items that must be researched in the lab.
  11. Pilot role: the person assigned in the pilot role will use the property "pilot" to determine the speed of travel on the planet map.
  12. Tiles discovered bar: a new visual bar that indicates how many tiles are left to discover in a sector.
  13. News Day indicator: added a new entry in the news section to show what day it is. That way the news will be separated by day and will be easier to navigate.
  14. Enemy item drops: now some enemies drop items like health, oxygen, energy and repair to the terrain protective tool.
  15. Menu buttons: added a new game and credits button to the menu.


  1. Current effects: improved the display of the current active effects when you explore, so its cleared what is the source of each effect.
  2. Enemy's speed: increased the small enemy's speed to make the combat more exciting.
  3. Market pistol: added the pistol to the market, so when you run out of weapons, you can still buy the most basic one.
  4. Effects with timer: changed the label for some terrain effects so its easier to understand that they get activated each x number of seconds.
  5. Robot movement: the robot movement on the planet map is now smoother.
  6. Explorer UI: the exploration screen will show the face of the assigned explorer, and some icons to explain the different colored bars at the top. The explorer face will also indicate the state of the explorer if he gets unconscious, if he dies, and if there is no employee with the explorer role assigned.
  7. Shooting enemies: balanced the amount of shooting enemies depending on the danger of the sector.
  8. Terrain damage: Now the terrain damages a protective tool instead of the health of the player. When the tool reaches a value of 0, the terrain damages the health directly.
  9. Market protective tools: the tools that protect your from various effects (like poison) are cheaper to buy in the base's market.
  10. Terrain damage and oxygen consumption: is now more balanced, it does not kill you so quickly, instead, if you are not careful, in the long term it can become a problem.
  11. Explorer inventory list: can be scrolled up and down in the exploration screen.
  12. Short term goals: now there are 2 goals active at the same time in the planet map, so you have a bit more options to choose where is best to move your robot.
  13. Weapons reset: now, instead of loosing all your equipped weapons when going back to a base, you just un-equip them and return them to your robot storage, ready to be used again when you explore.
  14. Explorer sprite collisions: the explorer collision box was reduced to better match its sprite.
  15. Terrain detection: the place in the sprite of the explorer that detects the terrain he is walking on is now placed at the bottom of the sprite and not its center.
  16. Saving: now the game saves on the map screen too.
  17. Lab and workshop: now they show the amount of unlockables, but do not reveal what they actually are, that's a surprise.
  18. Terrain types: now, lower danger sectors have only 1 type of terrain, this makes things simpler for the player to survive there.


  1. Enemy's paths: small enemies did not want to go trough narrows spaces, now they will follow the explorer wherever he goes.
  2. Knowledge: the "knowledge" property appeared as if it needed research in the lab, but it should not need that.
  3. Terrain effects: the effects activated when an explored touched a terrain where not working correctly.
  4. Explorer Tutorial: when the explorer made an evasion movement and a tutorial appeared at the same time, the explorer kept moving when he should have stopped, sometimes making him go outside of the screen and turning the game unplayable.
  5. Weapons reset: when returning to base, some powerups did not reset.
  6. Market weapons: buying weapons and transferring them directly to people is now forbidden.
  7. Market selling: fixed a glitch that appeared when trying to see the robot storage when in selling mode.
  8. Market buying: you could buy a bigger amount than the maximum allowed of certain items, now the excess is sent to the storage of the robot.
  9. Sector walk speed: in the exploration screen, each time you entered a tile the speed of walk changed a different amount when it should have been constant.
  10. Planet map movement: sometimes the pathfinding of the robot did not work correctly, making the robot leave the map, or take weird paths towards the desired destiny.
  11. Floor resource UI: when taking a floor resource, it showed +0 when it should show the real quantity of taken resources.
  12. Glitched projectiles: fixed the melee punch and flamethrower remaining on screen after firing.
  13. Evasion movement: fixed an issue that made the evasion movement jump too far ahead. Also small attackers cannot harm you anymore when doing this move.
  14. Invisible rewards: the resource that dropped an attacker after being killed was invisible.