hi guys im 100% new to itch as well as 100% new to unity and c# my only experience prior in coding was a bit of html/css and playing around with Arduinos just making random projects(mostly making rc stuff with the different sensors available) altho im not sure where to put my skill level in coding at as i just google alot and stick too it till i get the results i want but i know how to form a question that google can answer lol.
my child showed some interest in coding so i thought id tag along and soon their interest faded but mine continued to peak so through 5+ months of working on my available free time i have managed to get a working beta(i still have more ideas to add but it gets busy during the holidays so development is on hold for a while).
my game has been published https://cpi-studios.itch.io/ray-swims-all-day but was pushed out pretty quickly so i decided to link it here
thanks for taking the time to look.