I found it really nice for itch.io to provide an engine list for developers (and newcomers mostly): https://itch.io/game-development/engines
Since we are starting to have a fair and growing community with Ebitengine (golang library), we thought about contributing to this list by adding it via https://itch.io/suggest-a-tool.
It seems to be the natural approach as the link shows in the engine list page itself, but we made our initial request something like 9 months ago (@hajimehoshi did), and we still have no answer (two actually because the first one was under "ebiten", while the correct, trademarked one is now "ebitengine").
We also wrote a ticket to support in order to have more information about the process :/
Ebitengine is still small compared to some other engines and libraries, but we are quite active on this platform
Do you know if there is any missing requirement that we're not aware of in order to figure on the list?
Some links:
- https://ebitengine.org/
- https://github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten
- https://itch.io/c/2030581/made-with-ebitengine
Thanks in advance :)