I am really enjoying FPV Freerider, and would like to make a small suggestion:
About 2-3 years ago, I bought the DJI Mavic Mini drone (the first, not the newer 2 or 3).
I am now using FPV Freerider in order to improve my flying skills, without worrying about crashing my real physical drone.
The controller that I bought for using with FPV Freerider, as mentioned before, is the Logitech F710.
The 2 joysticks in this controller have springs that always return the sticks to the middle position - on both the left and right joysticks.
This joystick behavior on the Logitech F710, is the same as what you get on DJI Drones' controllers.
This is very good, since it enables practicing in exactly the same equipment (controller) behavior.
The problem:
It seems that DJI Drones' controllers are different than "classic" FPV Drones,
in which the controller does not have a spring for the Left Joystick's Up/Down movement. (Throttle).
In classic FPV Drones, the controller's left joystick can be moved up and down, and when you leave the stick, it stays in that position (at least for the up/down axis), which means the motors keep working in that same intensity level without you having to do anything.
This means that the drone retains its height - like it should.
In DJI, the springs bring the stick to the middle position, and in that middle position the drone retains its height in the air.
If you want to go higher, push the joystick up until you reach your desired height, and then leave the stick, so it will go back to the middle point, and the drone stays in that height.
The same for descending: push the joystick down until you get to the desired height, and when done, leave the stick again.
In FPV Freerider, it seems that the simulator's behavior is like classic FPV Drones behavior,
and not like DJI Drones behavior.
My suggestion:
Is it possible to add some Checkbox/Selector on the "Custom Settings" screen, to choose bewteen Classic FPV behavior, vs DJI (and other brands) behavior?
I ask this, because currently, I need to keep pushing the left joystick up, and keep it in a very accurate position, it order for the drone to stay in the air in a certain height,
and If I don't do it accurately well, the drone starts to bounce up and down..
One small note:
I chose in the Settings on the right side of the main screen, to use "Throttle Zero at Center" of course.
Before I did that, the drone would simply go up indefinitely, even when I don't press anything on the controller,
because the middle position was interpreted as 50% throttle..
I know that one way to ovecome this problem, is to buy a classic FPV Drone's controller, and connect it to the computer,
yet the reason that I prefer my current controller, is because it exactly mimics what I have on my physical DJI Drone.
So I wish to practice my skills, in similar behavior like the real life one, so in real life I can then be better..
I hope you can consider this,
there are many people today who buy a DJI Drone,
and having this new feature can make FPV Freerider perfect for them too, for practice flying.
Thank you