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[Art][Concept Artist][Paid] Excited to work for anyone needing some awesome designs!

A topic by Felipe Sato created Sep 29, 2022 Views: 280
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(3 edits)

Hi there!

I'm a concept artist looking for a nice team to work with! I can mainly design characters, creatures, foes, and props. But I'm also willing on doing anything else related to art, such as UI or 2D illustrations. I like working in teams and I know how important communication and dedication can be for good teamwork. So I can say that I'm gonna give my best for any team I'm compromised with.


I'm open for commissions or I can work 4 hours per day 5 days a week. In a month, I can do about 4 simple assets, 2 not too complex assets, multiple simple sketches for world-building*, or one really complex asset such as a badass character with a lot of props with it**. Depending on the complexity of what you ask me to do for commission, I can charge between ¥10.000* and ¥40.000** ($75 ~ $450 more or less in USD)

I'll attach below some of my work, but for more details and a breakdown, check out my portfolio on Artstation. If you're interested or have any questions, please let me know here or on Discord: 


Discord: Felipe Sato#2904
