In School Life, you play as as the Protagonist, a genderless amnesiac who, alongside a (mostly) helpful cast of friends, learns that they are Characters trapped in a game. Your task is to find out how to defeat the malicious Principal and his goons to gain the upper hand and foil his plans.
The game features dialogue and story choices that are affected by how you develop both your friendship levels as well as your stats. This creates a uniquely personalized playthrough that can end prematurely or differently based on the choices you make. Here are some more in-game features:
- Original writing, character art and music.
- A cast of unique and lovable Characters.
- Stat-based gameplay: intelligence, charisma, athleticism.
- RPG battle sequences.
- Risk of death!
This is just the beginning! We are constantly working on the game and there are several planned updates which will feature more branching storylines, character interactions and gameplay features. I will keep our players updated on pending and live updates as we go along.
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Thank you very much for your time, and we hope you enjoy playing our game just as much as we enjoyed making it.