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OHMIC (over halfway finished!)

A topic by Zoc created May 28, 2018 Views: 1,999 Replies: 26
Viewing posts 1 to 27
(14 edits) (+1)



OHMIC is an RPG detailing the adventures of Ronald Cole, his close friend, Bruce Baldwin, his girlfriend, Rachel Jacobs, his co-worker, Felly  Cameron, and his mentor, Frank Barnes. The game is a complex look into the depths of the human ability to process life, make their own decisions and communicate with others.

The gameplay is similar to the typical role-playing games, in terms of spells, equipment and the like. However, timed prompts and specific button sequences often pop up to add depth to battles. There are many party members to choose from that join at several points in the game, with differing play styles and movesets.

Characters are complex, multi-layered and flawed, yet sympathetic. Many of them have their own issues and dynamics with other characters that make them interesting to follow.

There are four different difficulties to choose from, each designed for different play-styles. Easy is for those who simply want to enjoy the story, while Demonic is the way to go, if you want to prove yourself an OHMIC expert.




This topic, alongside the game page on this very site, will be periodically updated whenever:

  • a significant portion of the game is completed, such as the skill database or a major area
  • a video, such as a trailer or gameplay footage, is released
  • either a demo or the full game is released

And more! Keep on the lookout!

OHMIC is available at these sites:

Website has just been created. It's in an early stage at the moment, naturally, but it's fairly slick looking and gives a small taste of what's to come. Enjoy!

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Silhouette art of the main characters has been released!

Skill database is also nearing 25% completion. A video showcasing the skill-sets of the main characters is planned for the near future. Keep on the lookout!

Website has also undergone a minor visual update.

A fairly meaty video demonstrating some of the skills that the main three protagonists, Cole, Bruce and Rachel can use! There are many more to use, though this video shows some of the flashier ones. More skill showcase videos are planned for the future, likely around the time when the first demo is released.

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Another skill video has been released, detailing the last two default party members' skills. There are many more skills located in the game, though many of the other party members start off not on your side, so to speak, so everyone elses' skills will be held off for the time being. Enjoy!

Website has also gone under a major update, more details can be found on the game page listed in the OP

The 6th party member's skills have been completed! The meat of the first demo is now officially underway; stay tuned for pics of major areas, gameplay videos and otherwise.

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FInished up the tile portion of North Avenue Beach, a significant area shown in the intro and one the party must go to at a certain point in the game

Some preview images. The eventing part for this and the rest of the state the game takes place in (Chicago) will take time, though I'm pretty excited to see where it goes!

Also made a game over image, which might or might not be added into the game

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Still working on my first town, started mapping the 2nd 1/4th of the outside. I'm VERY disappointed that I didn't get nearly as much done as I had planned, for various reasons, though that's life I suppose. Had to tweak a LOT of systems I was planning on using, and I got done various side-quests that are readily available at the start, along with various other things, so that's part of why I didn't get much done on the actual meat of the game. I had a LOT going on this month as well in my personal life, so that got in the way of my game-making big time, unfortunately. I really hope August is more productive for me, because by then I should have my job ready and I won't be distracted nearly as easily.

Just got done working on the location of the main warp pad to Saltovi, a location in my game that is connected to Chicago, the game's primary town. I pumped it full of details so it wouldn't look plain, and because it's near the woods, I thought some nice nature-centric scenery would compliment the little area. I think I did a pretty good job!

Just an example of the off-color sense of humor that pops up at points.

Domain for the game's official website has just been bought! Now, all you need to do is type in in order to find out the latest information and release dates of OHMIC.

Just came out of a long hiatus that occurred due to numerous personal events going on at once. Working on the inside of my main town's buildings, only about 8 or so to go then I'll finally be able to start working on the main story. Hopefully I'll be getting decent chunks of the game done in the coming months. Expect a trailer or two and some more sneak peek materials eventually!

Released a teaser video, detailing one of the game's cutscenes. Should give an idea of what players are in for.
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Finishing up the second story mission on this thing. I'm considering releasing an alpha build, covering the first two missions and a wealth of optional content to give the player-base an idea of what the game will be like. Might or might not also release a small guide to show a preview of the expansive guide that will be released alongside the full game.

Keep on the look-out!

Currently play-testing the alpha build of OHMIC! Going to work on the guide and record some gameplay alongside it. The next couple days or so are gonna be busy, for sure. Expect a download either tonight or tomorrow :)

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The first alpha of OHMIC has finally been released! The OP has been updated, as always, with various info on where else to find the game, along with all-new screenshots, a new trailer, and more.

Announcement topic has also been made:

A look into the majorly updated Chicago

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Working on a promotional video for my game, got the primary component of it (the mayor's speech) done just now. Here it is, for whoever would like to read it!


Citizens of Chicago. People of the world, if you happen to be listening.

This is your mayor speaking. My name is Rahm Israel Emanuel. You can just call me Rahm.

For now, I will keep it simple: a lot has changed over the years. Not just this country, this nation. Not any one region you care to name.
All of us have. Were we to look into the mirror right now, we would be seeing a different person entirely. The world, as a whole,
is different. Politics, media of all sorts, news,\. movements... to say we are not making steps towards a better society is a
falsehood. Or, at least, we're attempting to.

2018 is coming to a close. This decade as a whole will shortly follow. These last 10 years have been simultaneously a period of change,
and a period of great confusion. Sorrow. Conflict. Acceptance is the song that many are singing right now. At a glance, we seem to be understanding each other. Kindness is regarded, as least in certain circles, as an important virtue. A way
of life. When you really get down to it, peace is all we ought to seek at this point. Human life would be so much easier, right?

The thing I am noticing, however... is that we are still in a state of perpetual friction.

Were it anyone specifically, I would not be on this podium, besmirching their name in front of millions of people. Whether they be
standing right here, outside of the city hall, or sitting comfortably on their couches. It should not need to be said, but that
would not be the actions of a proper mayor. And if you ask me, yet another act of public defamation is the very last thing we, you, and the city of
Chicago need right now. After thousands, if not millions, of years, the collective moral compass of human people has been called into question long enough.

I will say right now, that I will not name what I believe is the sole direct cause of the damaging of our world's morale. It's not the fact that we are still at
war with other countries for various reasons. It's not the terrorist attacks that continue to occur on a disturbingly regular basis,\. whether in Asia, the Americas,
Africa, wherever they may take place. It's not the current president of the United States of America, who I'm sure many of you are well acquainted with at this point.
It's not the innumerable natural or unnatural disasters that take place, both due to and through no fault of our own. Pointing the finger at any one thing is
a fruitless act, now more than ever. It will accomplish nothing.

The problem is every single one of us. Whether we realize it or not, we all play a role in the positivity, growth, and beneficiaries of human society. It is
not the role of a single person, group, organization, or otherwise to fix the problems that currently plague this world. We, as a race, are all brethren
and sistren. For all the growth we are attempting, all the acceptance, what have you... every second we choose to deface one another, to criticize
those that only aim to bring peace, to unleash on and dismiss the free world in response to only our personal slights, we take a step backward to what we should all really
be aiming for. To what that objective is, I will not patronize you with an answer. Implicitly, we all know the ultimate goal of human society.

Peace. Not world conquest, not vengeance on our forefathers and antagonists for whatever we might perceive as their wrongdoings, not personal gratification at the
expense of others... peace. For us all to really live in harmony and stability, we need to achieve peace. I fully and honestly acknowledge that the human being
is not perfect; that one way or another, we will always take issue with one another over something. That is an inevitability I believe no one can really change.
All the same, we must always work to love and reach out to one another; or at least, unederstand each other. Whenever possible, step out of your own bubble and
listen to what others have to say. Never assume what you know is all anyone needs to know. At the end of the day, citizens of not just Chicago, but the
world... we're all in this together.

Thank you.

Here is the latest promo video for OHMIC!

It has also been added to the OP.

It's been a while, so some people have understandably been wondering if OHMIC's dead; quite the opposite! I'm still hard at work on the first full demo, set to be released either March or April of this year.

Until then, here's a juicy 6~ minute gameplay video, detailing the main portion of the third story mission, Seir's Test. Enjoy!

The first full demo of OHMIC is (roughly) done at last! Will be play-testing/recording footage/posting screenshots the next few days or so~

Demo 1 is finally available for download! Check the official itch page and announcement topic on this message board for more info.

Here's a sneak peak at a cutscene from the final version of the game! Notice the new window skin.

Sneak peak into a mid-late game area of OHMIC that can be visited for training/level grinding if the player so chooses; the name is Magma Fields. It's not 100% complete (planning on adding some more small details), though it's roughly about where I want it.

The 2nd map, as you might have noticed, has a few ropes that lead to two items and an optional high-level Fopperij (Mimic-style enemy) to fight for lots of cash and high-end loot, if the player so chooses.

Sneak peak at a major mid-game battle in OHMIC, against Adam and Eve Alazne, the head of a notorious drug cartel and his top enforcer, respectively.

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Preview of a redone version of Plivian Fields, an early game area for training your party. Note the sun ray.

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The final trailer for the official release of OHMIC has just been released! Check the OP for more information.

All downloads have been archived for the time being; the game has gone under massive quality of life improvements since the first alpha release. As such, the final product will be virtually unrecognizable mechanically from the first two releases.