A visual novel inspired by Doki Doki Literature Club! created by Quetzalcoutl, Joack Kenny and Neto Ilutra
Maki Hiroki is a normal high school student who spends his time in video games and anime, passionate about computers and one of the top students in his class along with his friends Kaede Jenni, Yushin Issei and his childhood friend Junko Hana, who For a couple of years he has been attracted to her and intends to confess to her, but his plans are interrupted when he is sent to the house of Akemi Yumi, a lonely girl who has not attended classes for a year and was assigned to take him. a folder of school assignments to prevent her from neglecting her studies, but when she arrives at her house she proclaims him as her boyfriend without him knowing her, what reasons does she have for having done so?
Who knows, but from that day Hiroki will have to play along that he is Yumi's boyfriend, what reasons will you have to do so?