Hey everyone, thanks for checking out my post. I am currently making a video game with 2 other professionals in the industry, I'm a music composer and audio person that has always had a passion for video games (ill post my links below if anyone wanted to look me up), most of my work has been through music sales and licensing but now i am hoping to build up a team to make video games with and I'm just looking for people to help with creating it. We have a game treatment and some environmental concepts with he story layed out and what gameplay we need, we just need someone who can work within unreal to implement it and a character/environmental artist.
I would love get to know people in the video games world and make some cool games together. Here is the short synopsis of the concept, the game design and gameplay is inspired by games such as sexy brutale, Disco Elysium and broken sword.
ECHOES is an isometric point and click physiological adventure game. It stars a nameless protagonist, living in a rundown apartment he seems unwilling or unable to leave. A strange obsession with the past caused him to delve into his family tree, finding little only except vague references to misfortune. One day though a mysterious letter, seemingly written decades in the past comes through his door, and that combined with a strange melody he inexplicably knows despite never hearing it before transports him to a strange, otherworldly building, ostensibly an asylum for the insane, that seems to exist outside of time, full of anachronistic mixtures of technology and populated by patients from different time periods, ran by a silent, unwavering staff and a mysterious head doctor who appears to be running an experiment linked to the strange time spanning melody that is lodged in the protagonists head. The players must venture through the asylum and various other pockets of time to discover who this doctor is, what his link to your family and how his actions have seemingly led the members of your family to torment and pain in both the past and present, and even the future.
The team of 3 currently is myself who is handling all audio, an animator and rig person, and my brother, who is the main writer.
Links to my music are here -
I hope this is ok and I've not left anything out or said anything silly, its my first game and want it to hopefully be something that can be released and have good quality assets, but I'm fully aware that offering a royalty split is still offering a zero budget project. if anyone is interested though please reach out, or if you wanted music/audio for your own projects, id love to start getting involved in some projects
Thanks -Aiden