A cryptic puzzle game about being a bad coder. Also ducks. · By BobboDev
Title, it just stopped appearing. After I got annoyed with level 5 (because it's lvl 5 lol) I put the game down for a few days. When I came back, the pause menu was still gone.
Hmm, this might be an old bug. You could download the latest version and see if that fixes it?If not I will have to do some investigating, but it's working for me in the current version!
Does it appear in other levels? Is it just broken in lvl 5?
I think I may have fixed this. Could you download the latest version and see? Thanks!
I'll do that, thanks! It was broken starting from Level 5, and it didn't appear in Level 6 either. I replayed the game to that point, same thing.
That fixed it, thank you!
Awesome! Thanks for checking that!! :)