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Survive in a land ravaged by an invasive species. You and your dragon are Windstone's last hope. · By Threshold Seven

Version Updates Sticky

A topic by Threshold Seven created Apr 10, 2018 Views: 1,794 Replies: 15
Viewing posts 1 to 21
Developer (14 edits) (+2)

New Version Update notes:

The new version is now live! Windstone has been completely overhauled from the ground up. This isn't just an update to the game, it's a complete remake where nearly every aspect of the game has been revamped, many mechanics have been added and others have been refined or removed as deemed necessary for streamlining or put on hold for later refinement.  Consequently, a list of patch notes as I had previously posted would be miles long and ain't nobody got time to read that. 

Below is a summary of the most major changes that have been made.

The entire landscape has been altered and separated into 3 islands; The Mainland (a green forest climate), The Frozen Winter Island, and the Volcano Island. The overhead map has been removed until it can be remade. 

Gameplay currently begins at one position on the south of the Mainland Island, instead of s random position. This area is bordered by new rock structures partitioning it from the rest of the island. New regions will be developed and accessible in future updates with more regions added over time.  Windstone will remain seamless to these other regions. The borders will slightly change to allow access when new areas are developed. As of now, 10 regions are planned across the 3 Islands with subsequent major updates. 

Caves have been added. 

All tree models have been revamped with new leaf textures. Some plants have been remodeled. 

All wooden huts have been removed and cabins have been added.  These new cabins have working doors and windows, fireplaces and chimneys, beds, workbenches and storage containers and provide shelter from the rain and cold. 

Rain is also a new mechanic. It currently does two things; rain makes it more difficult to light a flame and makes it easier to fill your water containers. 

The main story lore has been changed and subsequently, the main character. You are a settler from Earth who has traveled to and crash landed on Windstone, a colony planet. The player character (and the new proxy character shown in the inventory menu) is a female human.

All clothing and armour models have been updated to accommodate the new model.    

First person arms, weapons and armor have been updated to match the new character model. 

There is now only one dragon egg. Once hatched, the dragon will remain a small hatchling until future updates. The dragon must be fed and and protected from enemy attacks. She can defend herself, follow you and drink from water when led to an open water source, but must be hand-fed raw meat. You can also give her water by hand. 

The dragon model has been greatly improved with a new model and custom texture. She will follow you by looking at her and pressing T, or stay by pressing F. You can also pick up and carry the baby dragon hatchling on your shoulder. If you lose her or get too far away from her, you can press X to call her to you from almost anywhere. 

A fire breathing attack has been added to the dragon. 

Many changes and balances have been made to nearly all items and mechanics to make Windstone more fun and balanced. 

Currently, there are many items you can pick up at the closest cabin to the starting area to help you get started. Overall the game difficulty is easier, but it is still challenging. The difficulty will increase with future updates and difficulty levels will be added. 

Have fun playing Windstone and please help with feedback! Donations are welcome, but as this is a test version, feedback is priceless. Any feedback is great, but bug reports and suggestions related directly to current gameplay and mechanics are most appreciated and helpful. 

Thank you.

Developer (4 edits)

Version 1-5 notes (see more posts below for more recent update Versions)

  • All icons now have a dark grey background
  • Harvesting with bare hands will complete the tutorial objective
  • The wild gourd, and trap models are updated.
  • A few new item icons have been added. They are transitioning
    from the old set of icons to a new set and should all be complete and uniform within a week
  • More ambient night and day jungle sound effects have been added to developed areas
  • Added ocean SFX  along the sea shore
  • Waterfall SFX  to the waterfalls
  • More branches and stones are near the starting area
  • Footstep SFX are slightly lowered
  • More rocks, foliage and edible plants are underwater near the starting area
  • The bridge by the waterfall has been adjusted to make it less dangerous. Previously you could walk right off the edge of the bridge to your death if you were not above water, but now you have to crouch to get under the rope railing or jump over it
  • UI health meters and equip hotbar can now be toggled on and off with the H and B keys.
  • Punching while barehanded or with a gauntlet is added. 
  • Punching has a chance to harvest from trees and boulders but will harm you if you don't have a gauntlet equipped. Collecting this way will not currently complete the tutorial objective tasks (you still have to find the item on the ground to complete the task), but this will be fixed.
  • Punching does more damage to enemies with a gauntlet equipped. With a gauntlet equipped, you will not take damage from harvesting or attacking with punches, but the durability of the gauntlets will wear out.
  •  Boulders now have a chance to spawn a shard instead of a stone.
  • All melee weapons and tools can now be used to harvest from trees and boulders at a lower rate but the appropriate tools are much more efficient.
  • Objectives are tweaked for clarity and the compass has been added to some of the initial tasks to help you find your first crafting items.
  • Two new crafting objectives added: Dragon glass (obsidian) located in the water above and below the waterfall and Dart Thorns located high in the mountains (for poison darts).
  • The overhead world map has been modified to show what parts of the island are the most developed and what parts are mostly still in development. You can explore the grey areas but they are a barren landscape. Most of the light areas have trees, boulders, foliage, loot, enemies etc.
  • More items such as mushrooms, fallen branches, hemp, loot baskets and stones have been added to the map. Some items are widespread and sparse but there are dozens or hundreds of every item in the developed area.
  • The ocean physics have been slightly tweaked so you are now able to swim with you head above water more easily. Getting out of water should be easier as long as the shore slope is low enough
  • The popup for obtained items has been increased by .5 seconds.
  • All AI should not jump around as much when not aggressive.
  •  Antelope should not get stuck on terrain as much when fleeing and it's jump has been reduced.
  • Some foliage and landscape has been repositioned. This will be an ongoing process as the world is developed and may not be mentioned in every update.
  • Battle music should only play when in close enough distance to an aggressive enemy. Toggle music on and off with the N key.
  • Music settings should now persist through sleep saves and manual saves.
  • Footstep SFX on stone are louder.
  • Fixed an issue where the waterfall SFX could sometimes be heard very far away from the waterfall. Waterfall SFX attenuation has been tweaked.
  • Fixed an issue where a crafted cot would sometimes disappear when dropping on the ground from the inventory while standing on a steep slope.
  • Fixed an issue where drinking SFX would not initiate when drinking from a well.
  •  Dragon should be much less likely to get stuck.
  • Texture has been added to some loose rock assets where it was previously missing.
  •  A few new inventory icons for items have been added.
  •  Draw distance of some trees has been increased.
  • Some trees and boulders that were not affecting AI navigation have been fixed.
  •  Lashing color on the obsidian arrow has been corrected

(Edited to contain fixes from previous versions that were previously only in the devlog)

Developer (4 edits)

Version 6 Notes:

  • Optimized loading time and memory usage slightly. This will continue to be optimized.
  • Wildlife should spawn slightly farther away from the player and should spawn in by the time the player loads in. Previously some wildlife could be seen spawning and dropping to the ground at the start of a new game. You still may witness the "spawn drop" when flying fast on the dragon as your proximity initiates wildlife spawns.
  • Wildlife should no longer spawn on top of your head. "Should" being the keyword. If you are close enough to a spawn point after the wildlife that belongs to that spawn point has been killed and despawned, a new spawn should not initiate until you have left the proximity.
  • Antelope and Ostri have been given back a revised ability to jump to get unstuck even when they are not fleeing or being aggressive respectively.
  • Music volume during the intro text sequence has been slightly lowered.
  • The title menu has undergone a slight overhaul. Colors and assets have been tweaked and the formicans on the title menu have had changes to their ai to help them from getting stuck on stuff and things.
  • All formicans in the title menu and in game have had their walk animation slightly tweaked to more closely match their vector.
  • The Blue Cap Mushroom Task now begins immediately at the start of a new game. An exploit is fixed where you could previously drop a mushroom and pick it up again to "find" another one. The same fix has been applied to the obsidian and the dart thorn plant.
  • The counter at the top of the inventory menu has been slightly modified to reflect that it is not only a counter of how long you have survived but also the time of day.
  • Swimming on the surface of water has been tweaked and optimized for all bodies of water except the "moat" on the floating island.  The moat has unique attributes that are a little more difficult to optimize because of it's shape and location. This will be fixed in the future.  Swimming overall is still in development and will undergo many more tweaks, changes and fixes.
Developer (4 edits)

Update Version 7 is live!

  • Survival condition meters now save/load correctly after sleeping and manually saving.
  • Opening the Journal now pauses the game.
  • A "Close Journal" button has been added to the Journal.
  • An issue with the Journal has been fixed where the scroll box would lock up.
  • The K key now toggles "screenshot mode" clearing the HUD. This only works as long as you are not in any other menus and the quest compass is not visible.
    Toggling K will also remember if you have the survival meters, equip bar and quests toggled on the HUD.        
  • The quest compass is not affected by screenshot mode, but will be in a future update.
  • An issue with the lowest texture setting has been fixed that previously would make parts of the landscape invisible or distorted.
  • Formicans should now be slowed properly by poison darts.
  • Formicans should be less likely to fall through the world upon death when colliding with terrain or the player.
  • Fixed an issue where the Formican's sprinting SFX would play indefinitely.
  • Fixed an issue with the Formican's damage output when at extremely close range. He should now eat you properly.
  • Battle music should now start and stop correctly depending on whether or not creatures are aggressive towards you.
  • The Antelope and Ostri have had changes to their movement component and AI. They should now accelerate to max speed over time instead of instantly and get stuck on terrain less.
  • The Blue Cap Mushroom tool tip now correctly states "toggle F" instead of "hold F"
  • A typo has been corrected from "defence" to "defense" in the survival crafting menu, unless you're British, then I just added a typo.
  • A detail has been added to the inventory menu under the character level to show that you do +5% damage and gain +5% defense per level. This is going to be expanded on but there was previously no indication at all of what was actually happening to your character when you level.

Thanks for all the feedback and have fun surviving!


Version 8 is live!

You may need to start a new save for this update to work properly.

  • Your Dragon Hatchling now needs to be fed raw meat and given water. It sleeps when you do but does not get hungry or thirsty as it sleeps. This is intended as part of a "hibernation" mechanic that will become more apparent when you have the ability to have multiple Dragons and other creatures under your care.
  • Your hatchling can also be damaged by wildlife. Only the Formicans will actively seek out and attack the hatchling, but Ostris and Tardigrades can damage it passively if they are attacking you and the hatchling gets in the way.
  • The portable shelter will now keep you warm. You can sleep in it during the night without a campfire but it will not increase your body temperature as much as a campfire will.
  • The K key (screenshot mode) now also hides the objective compass. K has also been added to the key command options menu.
  • Eating a Blue Cap Mushroom will now automatically make arrows and darts glow for a period of time instead of having to toggle it on. Toggle F or left alt to turn "mushroom sight" on and off.
  • 4 villages have been added relatively close to the starting area. (Location spoilers follow) 2 are close to the shore to the east and west of the starting area and consist of 4 huts, each with loot baskets and other items. The other 2 additional villages are in the valley that leads to the center of the island. These villages consist of 5 huts each with loot and a drinking well. (More spoilers)There were already 5 other villages, some secluded huts and the main temple city on the floating island with many stone buildings and huts with loot baskets already on the map. All loot baskets spawn random loot.
  • The drinking wells on the map have been altered so you can look deep down into them instead of just seeing the grass landscape inside them.
  • The following intermittant issues with the inventory and basket menus have been fixed: Tab not closing inventory. Mouse scroll not working. White empty icons where items should be. Extra mouse click needed to focus some buttons and icons.
  • Loading % has been added to the loading screen along with a print string for debugging stalls.
  • Loading times have been optimized slightly. How things load has been changed significantly which is one of the reasons this update may cause you to need to start a new save. This is a work in progress and loading times will continue to be optimized.
  • An issue has been fixed where the pause menu would reset music volume.
  • Default music volume has been lowered and will automatically play less frequently when not muted. More music and ambient tracks are in the works.
  • Some minor changes have been made to the landscape and some textures have been optimized.
  • An issue where the hatchling would sometimes spawn waist-deep in the landscape has been fixed.
  • AI pathing on the hatchling and other wildlife is improved. They might be more "jumpy" again but will get stuck on terrain less and be able to get themselves unstuck more often.
  • An issue has been fixed where aggressive wildlife could occasionally still damage you and make sounds after being killed.
  • An issue with completed objectives not saving properly is fixed.
  • Journal info has been changed and added to.
  • Punching while holding a torch is deactived due to a bug. This will be fixed in the future as well as adding the ability to swing the torch as a weapon.

Thanks for playing Windstone!

Version 9 is live! Gliders and faster sleeping!

  • All known issues with loading a save slot should be fixed except an issue which can be fixed with a reload as a temporary workaround. If your current quests do not load correctly when loading from a slot on the main menu, simply loading the slot again through the options menu in game should fix it. This issue is being worked on as a priority.
  • A glider has been added to the Building Bushcraft Menu. Collect 8 cured antelope hide, 16 Bamboo and 32 cordage to craft. When the glider is in your inventory, press G after jumping to activate the glider. 
  • Sleeping is much faster now due to removing the need for the game to automatically reload during sleep.
  • Sleeping now autosaves immediately when you sleep (this happens instantly and should not cause any stall) If you reload this automatic save, you will load in right before you slept.
  • Mushroom sight now persists through sleeping if you have eaten a Blue Cap mushroom recently enough.
  • The Crafted Basket weight is reduced to be slightly less than its recipe components for consistency.
  • The pick-up collision sphere of the Branch is slightly increased in size to make it easier to pick up.
  • The Poncho icon in the Repair/Salvage/Unequip menu is updated.
  • Bamboo texture is updated.
  • Added Cordage to the Cot and Building recipes.
  • A change has been made to the Formican AI that should keep it from intermittently falling through the landscape upon death. Once this is verified as stable through testing feedback, the same preventative code will be added to the other creatures.
Developer (1 edit)

Update 10 is live!

  • A Raft is now available to craft in the building menu. Drop it on the water by the shore and press E to access the Raft menu. You can navigate the raft by selecting the navigate button. Press E to exit navigate mode. When not navigating, Press R when standing on the raft and it will sail in the direction it is pointing. While sailing you can walk around the raft and tend to things including your dragon hatchling which can ride on the raft with you!
  • An Island has been added off the shore near the starting area with a little bit of stuff to find
  • Swimming will now diminish your air supply. When you are underwater a progress bar will pop up at the top of the screen. Once it is depleted you will begin to lose health and mental fortitude rapidly. Get your head above water to increase your air supply. The air supply bar will vanish again when it is full.
  • A  Fire Pit, like the one found in the huts, is now added to the building menu.
  • A Table is added to the building menu. Put your stuff and things on it.
  • A Stone Well is added to the building menu. It's a laborious task to create, costing many resources, but results in a permanent water source wherever you place it.
  • An issue has been fixed where the Glider would disappear if it was not in your inventory when you saved and loaded.
  • An issue has been fixed that caused quests to reset.
  • An issue has been fixed where the effects of the Blue Cap Mushroom would never wear off.
  • An issue has been fixed that made some stone arrows appear to be obsidian arrows.
  • An issue has been fixed that made some full water gourds appear to be empty.
  • Some changes have been made to the landscape. 

Update 11 is live!

This update is primarily an optimization update. Nearly all models have had their poly count reduced dramatically and the landscape itself is optimized. The foliage has also been thinned out slightly to increase performance. 

The result on test computers is a 30% reduction in RAM usage and 30% reduction in load times. Results may vary on other computers but this should allow a much larger player base to test Windstone as previously a relatively high end computer was necessary.

RAM usage should not exceed 8gb.  It is still fairly high but much better than before and I will continue to work towards reducing this. The primary reason is that the entire world of Windstone is seamless. There are ways to keep the illusion of seamlessness while actually having sections of the island only load in when you are close enough to that area in a similar way that Ark: Survival Evolved works. As this version is being tested my primary focus will be integrating a similar "seamless" landscape loading system into Windstone.

One major bug was also fixed where if you loaded a game without ever saving (essentially loading the very first auto save which happens when you first load into a new game after the intro text) all loot baskets would be empty. 

Developer unlocked this topic

Update 12

Click to attack has been added instead of only hold to attack. You can still hold to attack and this will cause you to attack continuously.

Blue Mushroom Cap Objective Removed.

Run speed while wielding a weapon has been increased from 75% to 90%


Update 13 includes some bug fixes and a simple but much needed change to the building system.

Building items that you place can no longer be accidentally picked up by simply pressing E. You now must double tap E to pick up a building piece. 

A menu may be added in the future to give to option to pick up/repair/lock in place/etc. but for now, requiring E to be double tapped quickly to pick up a building piece should mitigate accidentally picking them up when trying to pick up other items such as a tool on the floor or when trying to open a basket. There is no indicator yet in the game that lets you know that you can double tap E to pick up a building piece, but this will be added as the building system is worked on.

Right clicking on a building piece will still move it and can cause accidental movement of building pieces when trying to move a basket or other item. This will be addressed in the next update.

The Dragon Hatchling should now spawn when hatched even if inside a building or something is overhead. It still may be safer to hatch outside, but hatching inside will help to find any more problems.

The Dragon Hatchling should now be able to navigate more effectively in player-built structures but this needs more testing.

The items that were left near the starting area in the last update have been removed (glider,raft and various weapons) These were placed there for my own testing purposes and I simply forgot to remove them. Kill those Antelopeees and cure their hides! :D


Update 14

This is by far the biggest update so far. I wanted to make sure it contained significant additions which is why it took so long.

To help continued development, a price of $5.00 has been added to Windstone. Many hours of gameplay can be had with update 14 and I now feel comfortable taking it out of the free category. I appreciate all those that have already played the game for many hours and given useful feedback.

Main Changes and Additions in Update 14:

3 New Biomes have been added: Desert, Volcano and Snow.

The Desert area serves mostly as a place where certain resources are abundant (agave, thorns and poison herbs) and as an area that must be crossed to enter the Volcano Biome. Within the Volcano Biome you will find buildings with loot, obsidian harvesting nodes, dangerous lava flows and most importantly the Red Dragon Keep, which houses the Red Dragon egg.

The Snow Biome covers nearly the entire northern quarter of the Island. Many pre-built newly modeled stone structures are scattered around the frozen land. Temperatures are always cold, resources are scarce and only Antelopes currently roam the wild as the cold-blooded Formicans and other native creatures stay south. In this biome, survival is truly a struggle of Makaran against himself. Within the Snow Biome, high on a mountain range is the White Dragon Keep. Wolves and Bears are stirring in their dens, awaiting a future update.

The separate island south west of the main island is now fully populated with resources and wildlife and also is home to the Green Dragon Keep.

The Blue Dragon keep remains where it has always been. All 4 dragons can be in your care simultaneously.

The Follow/Stay commands for the dragons have been modified to account for having multiple dragons. The Player must be close enough to their dragon and while looking at (placing the center dot on) the dragon press T (follow) or Y (stay). This allows you to have one or as many of the dragons follow you as you wish. As of now, the dragons do not follow you if you are flying so be sure to put your remaining dragons on Stay if you take flight on another.

As a side note, the dragons are currently and primarily a mode of faster transportation and cannot die once fully grown. In the future this will be expanded, dragon combat mechanics will be added as well as quests that involve the dragons on your path to extermination the formicans and their Queen.

The in-game navigation Map has been updated.

When starting a new game you will begin in one of 12 spawn points at random. 5 are in the snow biome, 2 on the southern shore, 1 in the volcano biome, 3 in the central area of the main island and 1 on the south western island. All spawn points have different pros and cons. Some spawn points will offer a greater challenge than others.

Stone buildings have been added to the bushcraft menu which allows you to build new stone structures in the style of the newly modeled buildings that can be found in the Snow Biome. 

Tutorial and quest objectives have been slightly altered for clarity and to accommodate new additions in update 14. 

The model of the crafted well is modified and made unable to provide water if it's placed on top of a foundation or other structure piece. It must now be placed on the landscape. (A structure can still be built around it but the well itself has to have bare ground directly underneath it)

Bug fixes:

Fixed an issue where the crafted water well could not be used.

Fixed an issue where ALL shadows would disappear. Shadows can now be seen much farther away.

Fixed an issue where ambient fog would cause concentric circles to appear in the sky at the center of the screen at night.

Thank you for playing and please leave feedback to help improve Windstone.

Developer unlocked this topic

Update 15 - Wolves!

Wolves now roam the snow biome along with the antelopes. Wolves will stalk you if they sense you from a distance. If you get too close they will charge and attack. Be prepared with arrows or a spear. A knife, hatchet or hammer will do, but you should be well-armoured before trying. Wolf meat and pelt can be harvested from their carcass with a knife. Their meat offers similar benefit to venison when cooked. The pelt will be used to make warm clothing in the future. For now it makes a nice rug.

Respawn timers on all wildlife have been increased. It now takes longer for wildlife to return to an area where they have been killed. Wildlife will not respawn if you are in their spawn proximity. If you find that certain wildlife is not respawning, leave the area (approximately a few hundred yards) to let the wildlife "return" to the area. This prevents dangerous wildlife from spawning on top of your head, keeps wildlife from "popping" into existence too much and breaking immersion, allows you to temporarily "clear" an area for safety, and makes it a little more difficult to hunt since wildlife usually will avoid inhabited areas. There is still a chance that wildlife will roam into an area you have settled from a distance.

Empty water gourds can now be filled in the snow biome at a fire by melting snow. Simply stand by a fire within the snow biome and choose "fill" from the drop down menu on the empty water gourd in your inventory or double click on the empty water gourd.

Bridges, climbing paths, buildings, wells, plants and various pickup items have been added to the landscape. This will be a continuing process as the landscape is populated with more assets during each update.

Wildlife spawn locations, particularly in the desert and volcano biome have been increased.

Thanks for playing Windstone! Please leave feedback if you find bugs or have suggestions. Windstone is still very much in alpha development and will undergo many changes. Your help and support is greatly appreciated.


Update 16

This hotfix addresses an issue caused by update 15 which stopped wildlife from spawning in certain areas. This should work as intended now.

Other bug fixes:

When Riding a dragon, the rider's shadow should now appear correctly on the ground.

An issue has been fixed that caused the camera to spin uncontrollably when diving downwards while riding a dragon.

Some trees have been slightly moved to keep their branches from clipping through buildings.


Update 17 Two-handed Axe and Maul

A two-handed Stone Axe and large Stone Maul can now be crafted through the tool tab on the bushcraft menu. The primary use of these new tools are to harvest wood and stone at a much faster rate than the one-handed hatchet and hammer. The Axe and Maul are relatively easy to craft but are heavy, cannot be used as crafting tools and must be switched manually with the hatchet or hammer respectively depending on the task at hand. The Axe and Maul can also be used as weapons and are only surpassed in damage output by obsidian weapons.

Tools, weapons and armour can now be dragged and dropped to quickly equip them. Drag an equippable item out of the inventory and drop it to automatically equip it to its pre-assigned slot. Double clicking an item or selecting equip from the right-click drop down menu still works to equip an item also. Custom hotbar slot orders may be added in the future but is not currently a priority.

Hunger and Thirst now takes twice as long to deplete. This change has also been applied to the Dragon Hatchling allowing you more time to find food and water for yourself and your hatchling.

Maximum sleeping time is now increased from 5 hours to 10 hours.

The effects of food poisoning have been changed and will no longer always inevitably kill you if you don't have a proper antidote but it will leave you vulnerable with low health for a time. Poisoning still may cause an unavoidable death without an antidote if compounded with other ill effects (extreme fatigue, hypothermia, dehydration etc.)

Due to the increased size of the Building tab, the location of most notifications have been moved onto the top border of the inventory and contrast more with the background. This prevents the notifications from being hidden behind the crafting window and makes them more apparent overall.

The sorting button [^] has been moved to the bottom border of the inventory.

Some changes have been made to water surfaces and shadows to increase quality and performance.

Motion Blur has been turned off due to a conflict with other post processing settings. This primarily effected the first-person arms, making them blurry with jagged edges when animated.

Dragon colors should now persist through game saves/loads instead of reverting to blue/green.

The Dragon Hatchling should no longer be able to be turned into a juvenile instantly after hatching.

An issue was fixed with Drinking Well LODs as well as various other minor bugs.

More changes to the landscape have been made and assets have been added primarily around the starting areas. This will be an ongoing process throughout many more updates as the world continues to be built and gameplay mechanics pertaining to the availability of materials are balanced.

Thanks for playing Windstone.


Update 18

With update 18 comes the much requested female player character, the framework for major performance optimization and much more.

EDIT: I completely forgot to mention the newly implement Level Streaming system in the dev log for update 18. This system is what I've been working on the most since update 17 but it is completely behind the scenes work that the player will not immediately notice compared to changes like the addition of the female character. This level streaming system will help optimize load time and framerate in all areas of Windstone. This is explained in more detail in the previous devlog titled "Update 18 coming soon". Some users may already notice a performance increase but I will be optimizing the level streaming system a lot more in the future now that the frame work is implemented. 

When starting a new game you can now choose between either a male or a female character. After choosing the gender of your character you can now choose which region of the world to start in: The Frozen North, The Jungle Mountains, The Southern Shore or The Island. Each region has multiple random starting points within.

Dozens of Points of Interest (POI) are now pre-marked on the map as a white dot. These mostly include villages, major landmarks and the Dragon Keeps. The POI marker will turn yellow after it has been discovered and you will gain a substantial amount of experience points.

Your character model proxy on the inventory menu will now show your equipped weapons and tools on their belt and strapped to their back. Previously only the armour, quiver and arrows would be visible on the proxy.  A change has also been made that has stopped the arrows from quivering in the... quiver...

New building pieces have been added: A triangle wood floor foundation, a triangle shaped roof section for wood huts that corresponds with angles made with the triangle wood floor and a complete roof cap section that can be placed on top of a "round" hexagon hut made with 6 triangle foundations. The triangle foundations can be used in conjunction with the square foundations to create as big or as large of a circular foundation as you please. Explore the newly added villages for examples and building ideas for your own designs. This only applies to the wood hut constructions for now in the warmer climates. Triangle foundations will be added to the stone huts in the cold climates in the future.

2 times more wildlife spawns have been added to the map. With this change is also an optimization that unloads individual wildlife from the game when you are very far away from them. Previously the wildlife would be "deactivated" when far away, but unloading them completely greatly increases performance once hundreds of creatures have been loaded into the game.

Visit the desert to find a new oasis and a Great Pyramid filled with labyrinthine tunnels and treasure. This Pyramid is similar to the one on the floating island, but you don't have to have a dragon to reach it.

2 animated Non Player Characters, (NPCs) have been added to a large hut in the center of the Jungle Mountains area. They cannot yet be interacted with, but the framework for NPC interactions is being worked on. They will offer quests and story lore in the future.

When you have gauntlets equipped, they will now appear on your forearms in first-person view while wielding the Maul and Axe that was added in Update 17.

A Stone Wall crafting recipe has been fixed. It previously needed wood and now correctly needs stone.

The time it takes to become overfed has been decreased and the time it takes for your nutrition to stabilize has been slightly increased. (You shouldn't become overfed as much when eating a lot and if you do become overfed it should wear off more quickly)

Various other bug fixes:

Fixed an issue that would disable drinking wells
Fixed an issue where full water gourds could not be picked up.
Fixed an issue with the Antelope Hide Poncho not showing on the proxy character when equipped.
Fixed a visual glitch with the horizon where the ocean meets the sky. In the process, the position of the distant mountain ranges on the far horizon have been altered.
Fixed a problem with aggressive wildlife not sensing the enemy in certain circumstances.
There is now a chance to have twins when hatching a dragon egg. Good luck with that. Feeding one is difficult enough.
Fixed an issue with the sound effect of fire crackling not playing.
Fixed an issue with shadows of the player's equipped armor when mounted.

Developer locked this topic
Developer unlocked this topic
Developer (1 edit) (+1)

New Version Update notes:

The new version is now live! Windstone has been completely overhauled from the ground up. This isn't just an update to the game, it's a complete remake where nearly every aspect of the game has been revamped, many mechanics have been added and others have been refined or removed as deemed necessary for streamlining or put on hold for later refinement.  Consequently, a list of patch notes as I had previously posted would be miles long and ain't nobody got time to read that. 

Below is a summary of the most major changes that have been made.

The entire landscape has been altered and separated into 3 islands; The Mainland (a green forest climate), The Frozen Winter Island, and the Volcano Island. The overhead map has been removed until it can be remade. 

Gameplay currently begins at one position on the south of the Mainland Island, instead of s random position. This area is bordered by new rock structures partitioning it from the rest of the island. New regions will be developed and accessible in future updates with more regions added over time.  Windstone will remain seamless to these other regions. The borders will slightly change to allow access when new areas are developed. As of now, 10 regions are planned across the 3 Islands with subsequent major updates. 

Caves have been added. 

All tree models have been revamped with new leaf textures. Some plants have been remodeled. 

All wooden huts have been removed and cabins have been added.  These new cabins have working doors and windows, fireplaces and chimneys, beds, workbenches and storage containers and provide shelter from the rain and cold. 

Rain is also a new mechanic. It currently does two things; rain makes it more difficult to light a flame and makes it easier to fill your water containers. 

The main story lore has been changed and subsequently, the main character. You are a settler from Earth who has traveled to and crash landed on Windstone, a colony planet. The player character (and the new proxy character shown in the inventory menu) is a female human.

All clothing and armour models have been updated to accommodate the new model.    

First person arms, weapons and armor have been updated to match the new character model. 

There is now only one dragon egg. Once hatched, the dragon will remain a small hatchling until future updates. The dragon must be fed and and protected from enemy attacks. She can defend herself, follow you and drink from water when led to an open water source, but must be hand-fed raw meat. You can also give her water by hand. 

The dragon model has been greatly improved with a new model and custom texture. She will follow you by looking at her and pressing T, or stay by pressing F. You can also pick up and carry the baby dragon hatchling on your shoulder. If you lose her or get too far away from her, you can press X to call her to you from almost anywhere. 

A fire breathing attack has been added to the dragon. 

Many changes and balances have been made to nearly all items and mechanics to make Windstone more fun and balanced. 

Currently, there are many items you can pick up at the closest cabin to the starting area to help you get started. Overall the game difficulty is easier, but it is still challenging. The difficulty will increase with future updates and difficulty levels will be added. 

Have fun playing Windstone and please help with feedback! Donations are welcome, but as this is a test version, feedback is priceless. Any feedback is great, but bug reports and suggestions related directly to current gameplay and mechanics are most appreciated and helpful. 

Thank you.