Hi game designers! I wanted to announce the release of Simple - our in-development gameplay creation tool - under a Creative Commons license. Simple is an editing tool, language, and runtime for creating gameplay. Using a mouse-driven visual scripting tool, even non-programmers can make functional game logic, and it supports multiplayer out of the box with predict/rollback. It is in a pre-alpha state but is mostly functional, and we're using it to make our game, which you can watch me stream twice a week on Twitch. Simple is just for making gameplay, and fancy graphics/UI/audio are created with a separate viewer. We include a very basic one which only supports visualizing collision volumes.
Link to Simple with more info (and links to some meager documentation): https://pistolshrimp.itch.io/simple
Watch and learn how to use it on Twitch: https://twitch.tv/pebby
If you don't want to build but just want to play or mod, game content for our game in development, The Ur-Quan Masters 2, is also available: https://github.com/pistolshrimpgames/simple-content
- Dan Gerstein