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New TTRPG Release: Good Faeries Bad Faeries!

A topic by tolleSpiele Games created May 30, 2022 Views: 133
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I've just released my newest TTRPG, Good Faeries Bad Faeries.  I would LOVE if you could help me out by rating it highly for the game jam in which it's entered!

In this rules-light storytelling RPG, you and friends will play the roles of Good Faeries trying to stop the Bad Faeries from causing awful things to happen; or, to fix the things that have already gone wrong.  When you’ve finished each session, you will have brought some light into the world, and that’s pretty nifty.

At its heart, this is simply a group storytelling game, with some playing card-based mechanics to help the story along.  If you’ve never played an RPG before, don’t fret: your job is to have fun and say what your faerie does; that’s it!