I kinda know how to defeat the fire dungeon (using my own formation and skills) but have zero ways about the others. Any tips or tricks to clear the other two dungeon?
The solution for each boss and what they can do, and what you need to look out for when you fight with them, can be found in the FAQ section of the walkthrough. If you don't want to get spoilered from the walkthrough, my suggestion would be to make good use of the different elements, and don't hold back with items.
The ice raid should be easier than the nature raid, but how easy or hard the fights are depends on the buffs that you get along the way.
I finished the the ice dungeon this morning. But the nature dungoen is truly something. I only manage to defeat one of the supervisors. Does it includes the right equipment for each of the supervisors or just find the strongest equipment? Also, is there any counter for their spells? I've play this game since last year but still can't beat the supervisors till now XD. Help me plz!!!
for nature raid you need grind your character to lv 70 or above and dont forget use ryen dragon roar, other tips you can use 2 character for support item heal make sure you choice character with big health like ryen, tsubaki, kaytelinth, trey and for another two you can use mirel and elly, the damage headshot combo with precition strike from elly give lot damage to enemy.
For the cg's scene you need win kiki challenge battle and the last enemy you defeated will unlock the cg scene, for defeating levia you just need equip talisman of perservation (you can obtained it from strage gold you find in manastyr amagal & research it in lab adlyn) for your character and for tsubaki only you can use the wedding ring for keeping your tp's before the battle and make sure your mp is 0 bcoz levia will absorb your mp for killing your character use curse skills.
for defeating roseris you need keep your character health above 1500 bcz roseris will targeting & give upnormal damage to your wounded character.