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Ship too slow

A topic by Bassford created May 09, 2022 Views: 197 Replies: 3
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Hi! I'm a new proudly owner of the maelstrom engine, everything is fine and very polished, not a single ctd, smooth gameplay and awesome graphical improvement...but something is ruining my experience and don't know if its intended or not.

I'm talking about ERAS II mod, whenever I begin a new game, despite having a navigator, and/or skills with my character, the ships are extremely slow, not faster than 3 knots, with the wind in the back, and between 7, 8 or more wind speed. I know that In the realistic settings there is an option that sometimes the wind speed is 0, but that's not the case.

I noticed that my sailors have 3 attributes, sailing, gunnery and fighting, and maybe that's the problem, but I don't know....

It's an intended feature? Maybe I need to navigate in the world map more time until my character gets better at sailing as well as my sailors? 

Sorry for the double post, but i have one more question.

Inside ERAS II config, what's better? Antialiasing or post processing? Because I notice that I cannot check both of them. I'm playing with full antialiasing, and have a great PC, so that's not a problem, just wanted to know which option is better.

In reviewing the code for  post-processing, the only thing I could figure is that the original devs were using it as an antialiasing substitute (probably for early video cards that didn't support it back when it was originally developed).  It appears to simply take two back-to-back frames and blend them together.  It reduces edge aliasing, but at the cost of making the entire scene slightly blurry.  When I added the feature to enable AA, I disabled post-processing if you select it because their post-processing doesn't appear to do anything else than what I described.  So it's not really post-processing like newer games use it.

As for the slow ship, I can't really answer since it might just be your character stats and the specific ship (and its load) that you are using.  You can send me a save and I can check things to possibly determine why.  But I have no recollection of unduly slow ships when I start new games in ERAS myself.  I also don't set the ship stats for ERAS, as that is handled by MK and I simply post up what he deems they should be.

Thanks a lot for your fast response and answers Jeffrey.

I was investigating the slow ship issue, and discovered the buccaneers reef Forum, found the solution. It seems that MK worked in the Dinamic navigation not the Tactical ones, and I selected Tactical navigation, so it was a problem of the stock game, If you use dinamic it's all well.

Also, I was reading the forum a little, and realised that the developers, maybe you included, were burned out of different situations etc.

I want to thank you and MK for all of your awesome work, sincerely I have no words describing how you are able to make me feel playing this fantastic game. Please, send my kind regards and thanks to MK aswell.