Hello! I am interested in providing music! Here is a link with some examples of this I have done in the past! https://soundcloud.com/yop_yop
I'm interested in implementation of music and sounds. My last project https://evgenidoudar.itch.io/rship which I want to release but its on Unreal, I'm taking a look at Unity now to remade it but not sure yet. If you have an idea I can compose music or adapt somebody's music for purpose of game this project do exactly that https://evgenidoudar.itch.io/planetfog Some of my music here https://doudar41.bandcamp.com/ and different fun staff https://soundcloud.com/evgenidoudar
Hi, I am a music composer, I have written music for games as well as film and TV, here is a link to some of the music I have written for other games.
If you like what you hear and want to get in touch to discuss your project you can send me a friend request on Discord: Iestyn#9278