I have been designing and developing TestPace X for Windows operating systems for two months. So here I'll be updating the progress of the project.
The game itself is an astronaut stranded on Mars, whose main goal is to stay alive as long as possible.
Currently the project is going for the development version 0.9 alpha, where there is a character in the first person who can get into a car and move freely through the hypothetical terrain on Mars, nothing special, using the keyboard, and the mouse to interact with the stage.
About the character, it initially has a health bar that is closely related to the oxygen bar. If the oxygen reaches zero, the health bar is immediately affected and declines dramatically. When the oxygen reaches zero, the vision is affected and when the character dies, the screen is shown in grayscale.
I hope for version 1.0 to have the first mission ready, and from now on work on improvements, and implement the respective audio.
It's true that I don't have the slightest idea what the red planet is like, but it's just a game, so anything can be possible or not
Kind regards.