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A topic by ArmoredGameDev created Mar 04, 2022 Views: 90 Replies: 4
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i findout if you have too much wood you cant build


Thank you for sharing. It's a first time bug so can you explain to me how many woods you had and how many towers you had built?

i have photos of 3.bugs

1.bugyou can fix it with in players rigidbody constans and fix rotation check all boxes

2.bugi dont know how to fix it


bugi dont know how to fix it but it is pretey big bug

Thank you for sharing all these! It will help a lot. 

2nd "bug" probably you mean the bullets? They are meant to be on the floor. If a tower is incapable of shooring an enemy, you will see the bullet on the floor!

But for the rest you are awesome! Thank you.

yes i mean bullets