Hello dear community,
I would like to gather some feedback regarding the playable demo I have finally put together. This game is a very casual and accessible and can be played either in browser or PC. (For best experience I suggest itch.io client).
The idea in the game is to control player, a pair of discs and a sort of shaft between the discs. The game world consists of levels and one level have multiple stages. The demo currently have only one level with five stages. You should be able to finish the demo in 2-5 minutes.
The stage has colored capsules (or pods) and objective is to change the color to another one by allowing the player discs rotate in the world. Only input you need is your (left) mouse button which anchors the rotating disc and starts the other disc to rotate. Discs need to anchored to the ground so be careful when selecting a new anchor point. You complete the stage by changing the color of all capsules in the stage.
I have some ideas for continuing the project and there's already a dev log which highlights some of the ideas, but feedback would be appreciated. I am trying to find a reason to continue this and if people like it, then there's a reason.
Link to the game page: https://purplexyz.itch.io/swipe-it
And here's a screenshot of the game:
Thank you for visiting and hopefully you give the game a spin!