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Honeymoon Quest

And you thought only your home was doomed! · By ObscureWhistle

Why did i agree? That seems to be what you want the most.

A topic by Chestercat created Jan 05, 2022 Views: 263 Replies: 4
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(2 edits)

I went through multiple playthrough to explore what the game had to offer, mostly the lewd parts tbh. When i came accross Cordelia offer to use some magic that's the one she seemed the most excited about. I chose that for that reason and out of curiosity, without knowing she was talking about shrinking. Then the story goes on, i learn what's her plan and she's even more excited.  She then asks if i'm fine with that. I'm like "ok... not my kink... but she seems happy". And then she asks me what i like about it, Giantess, Being shrunk, or both. And i'm like "erm... neither, but you're excited about it, so sure let's try" but there is no choice that covers that. I think that could be a valid option to add to your game. Basically indulging her kink, because it does sound like it's her thing.

I mean personnally i went for cuddles, second fav is me being a dom and her a sub.  She's cute when vulnerable even if it seems a bit out of character to me. Then magic, i mean she is a really powerfull mage and all, and i was curious. Then i went vanilla, and then me sub her domina.

But overall i do think that both the text and the voice acting point out toward the shrinking to be what Cordelia would choose. So i guess it could bring brownie points to be like "erm, that's your thing, but sure lets do it", or just a bit more depth to the characters.

Also maybe do offer the player the ability to fail the test with the wolf cub, like the possibility to attack it or whatnot. This would lead to a game over sure, but that would be an additionnal choice. Not everyone would feed or pet a wild animal, even knowing it could belong or be the witch they are looking for.

Nice game by the way. Not used for the narative part to be voice acted though, but with the trend of audio books and stuff... I mean i often complain about visual novels not being voice acted, but i mean the characters. Not that it is a bad thing, it just surprised me. I hope it won't make the game to heavy/big in later updates.


Thank you so much for your feedback, Chestercat! For sure about the Shrinking Scene - I realized too long after I had written it, I put myself into just that situation where if the player was in your exact situation, it would be pretty awkward. Unfortunately by that time in the development, I wasn't really able to put the proper resources to fixing that. Assuming I'm able to continue the project into the future, I will certainly add that option.

Regarding the 'Shrinking Scene' as the 'Cannon' choice I do have to disagree with, unfortunately. There definitely was a lot of work that went into those scenes for sure - but that was more of due to the animation/still-frame timeline and structure rather than an actual preference towards that scene, or any other scenes for that matter. 

Regarding the previous options - I'm against having any of my options lead directly to a "Game Over" because I'd like for them to have a direct impact on the story's continuation (as much as possible). And there's options that the player will have little control over (such as the player character's early history, Shorestone's Duke having been executed, and them being sent as a messenger). 

That being said, I do want the player to have as much control over the player character as possible and if I gain enough support, I'd like to include different options and perhaps models (or character creation, if I am so fortunate!) for the player to chose as their character. Regarding this option specifically, I may consider having a few different choices for some of these past flashbacks. However, some things do need to more or less "canonically" occur for the game to be called...Honeymoon Quest. 

Thanks so much! The voice acting, though it is another expense, is pretty essential to the project I'd say. Consider that the Narrator is as much of a character as Cordelia, at least according to the story I have in mind. 

I didn't mean to be like "MC choose that" or "Cordelia choose this" you know that better than me.
But the way the text is written and said gives that impression.

It's nice to see that you know what you want to do. And as i said, it sometimes feels like the Narrator is Cordelia herself, or at the very least as if Cordelia hears what the Narrator says. In any case that's an interresting approach.


Of course, and I think I understand you better now! While my lips are sealed on some story elements here, let my just say this:

What you're feeling is exactly what I originally hoped you would.

Things will make much more sense later - assuming the project gains support and I'll be able to continue it into the future! 

If things work the intended way then you did a mighty fine job.