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how do i play with my vr

A topic by halovv created Jan 17, 2018 Views: 1,946 Replies: 3
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I know, it looks like a game that might be vr, and I know, some of the other things look like they're 'from a vr game'...

However this is still extremely early alpha.

And Not programmed/scripted for VR (yet)

I feel like I vaguely remember Dasius at one point... toying? with the idea when someone else proposed it - but its just not in the cards right now, It probably wont be until the game is more realized in its.. Foundation... so to say...

Especially not after what happened recently - Thankfully the project has continued, though.

when ever ive booted the game up it boots up steamVR 

yes its been mentioned before that the particular engine used /is/ .... equipped.. with the capacity.. of VR. Dasius has mentioned elsewhere that issues occur with the finish/packaging when they try to disable it, so it's left enabled and if you /do/ have steamVR enabled/installed/whatever - to disable it, steam, or what not - before play sessions.

I personally have never had MLBSS interact with Steam, myself. But I have heard others mention it.

While its present, like I said, its not coded into the game itself - afaik it doesn't have anything set up to be presented in VR or interacted with in vr-controls.

It's possible that because the part was active in designing the first versions of MLBSS - which I imagine it was without Dasius knowing - I dunno what the actual reason it can't be disabled is - but, if it was active when the game was first made, and that has only been built onto since - The game likely assumes it is necessary for function, even if its not. If Dasius and the volunteers ever decide to try and convert what they have into a fresh slate, and try to start that fresh slate without the option active in the first place - it's possible Dasius might be able to disable the part without issue... 

But again. I don't know exactly why the engine or game doesn't like the VR portion being fully disabled, game-side. For all I know it could be the engine/package entirely - The optium engine choice that Dasius wanted/could obtain or whatever... you know?

Anywho. my poor explanations and rambling aside - The point remains this is still very very early access, and that its just not setup or ready for VR yet.