lrinlia(already talk at the Iron prison and don't find in secret prison or sleeping chamber)
Lucila(already meet her fist time but don't know where her go next)
Ash(don't know the location about increase Brad popularity)
Irinlia is in the throne room for you now, in the bottom left area in front of the book shelves.
To meet Lucilla again, you need to advance the events with the Dorgania rebellion. Her brother will appear at Minsk Harbour once you're far enough in the events.
For Brad's popularity you can find a bunch of events marked with a sparkling icon of his face in Kagabangui but also in other locations in Dorgania. There are 5 such events in Kagabangui, 1 in Minsk Harbour, 2 in Newkungu, 1 in Rakake, and 1 in Tajurata Fort.
You can also buy the brawler parfume in Lalizan and Orchel to increase his popularity.
The character in the screenshot is the female version of Grey. You meet her when you advance the events with Grey after building the bathhouse on the overview map.