Events : Level Achievement (USD 110 for everyone)
1. North American server release
(You can access from Northeast Asia and Eastern Latin America)
(1) Release time by country
USA (Oregon): 00:00 AM
USA (Washington): 03:00 AM
Argentina (Buenos Aires) : 05:00 AM
Ecuador ( Quito ) : 03:00 AM
Chile (Santiago): 05:00 AM
Colombia (Bogota): 03:00 AM
Taiwan (Taipei): PM 16:00
China (Beijing): PM 16:00
Japan (Tokyo) : PM 17:00
Korea (Seoul) : PM 17:00
[b]2. European & CIS server release[/b]
(1) Release time by country
(You can access from CIS countries and Western Latin America)
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro): 05:00 AM
Portugal (Lisbon): 08:00 AM
Spain (Madrid): 09:00 AM
France (Paris): 09:00 AM
Poland (Warsaw): 09:00 AM
Germany (Berlin): 09:00 AM
Turkey (Ankara): 11:00 AM
Russia (Moscow): 11:00 AM
3. Events
Period: From December 23rd (PST 00:00) to January 26th (During one month)
(1) Level Achievement ($110 for everyone)
- How to: Log in to the game, create a character, and when you reach level 20, you can receive box by mail from an NPC in the game.
- Even if you open the box containing the reward after January 26th, you will not be able to obtain the reward.
★ If one person try in a prohibited action to obtain event rewards with multiple accounts, the corresponding account will be permanently banned from access and the entire amount of RTK-points paid will be collected.
(1) When your character achieves level 20, RTK-points worth $5 are awarded (average takes 10 minutes.)
(2) When your character achieves level 30, additional RTK-points worth 10 dollars are given (average takes 1 hour)
(3) When your character achieves level 40, additional RTK-points worth $15 are awarded (takes 2 hours on average)
(4) When your character achieves level 50, additional RTK-points worth $20 are given (average takes 3 days)
(5) When your character achieves level 60, additional RTK-points worth $25 are awarded (average takes 1 week)
(6) When your character achieves level 70, additional RTK-points worth 35 dollars are given (average takes 3 weeks)
4. Siege of Chang'An Event
The military that wins the Siege of Chang'An will be awarded RTK-Points worth a total of $3,000 in prize money.
Method: Give RTK-points (1/N) rewards to the members of the army that won the siege.
(1) When the first siege was captured on January 2nd (RTK points worth $200 to members of the occupying force, plus RTK-points worth $100 to lords)
(2) When the second siege was captured on January 9th (RTK points worth $400 to members of the occupying force, plus RTK-points worth $200 to lords)
(3) When the third siege was captured on January 16th (RTK points worth $600 to members of the occupying force, plus RTK-points worth $300 to lords)
(4) When the fourth siege was captured on January 23rd (RTK points worth $800 to members of the occupying force, plus RTK-points worth $400 to lords)
5. Personal Ranking Event
[b]★ The results of the ranking event are counted as of January 26th.[/b]
RTK-points worth 50$ are awarded to all players recorded on the first page of the ranking page.
Events 1 to 5 are applied simultaneously on the North American server and the European server. (Asia servers are excluded from the event.)
6. The Asian server will independently conduct the events corresponding to the above events from the first half of 2022.
We look forward to your involvement. (Some people think it is a PAY2WIN game without playing the game, so we prepared this event.)
Thank you.