Hi everyone,
I finally finished my first game!!
As everyone, I had big plans with a quake-like 3D first person shooter in the beginning. I basically built my own 3D engine in C++ and OpenGL. But after realizing 3D physics are extremely hard , I hat to take multiple steps back and I needed something much simpler, more easier to finish. A 2D puzzle game seemed feasible! MiniGolf was born.
As soon as the main game mechanics were done I thought. I finally made a game with multiple levels, sound and editable maps (paint is the editor of choice here :D ). After I realized that a game without a title screen and a score is not really much a game, I kind of hacked this things in the code. Good enough for my very first game I thought. I always read in blogs that you need to release a game, so here I am!
Have fun playing it, it get's funnier when you design your own maps and see how many shots you need to finish the game.
Cheers, danqua