My first devlog on Itch! I'm working on a project I've wanted to bring out since I finished school. A generated adventure with constants and variables (hello Bioshock). The idea came mostly from me playing the Fallout games over and over, eventually getting bored with the same game-world and quests. The goal is to have an adventure game where the world-map and quests are being generated each new game you start. Mayor characters and plots will return each game (depending on the generated content ofc), so you can compare the differences with your last playthrough, while still giving a completely new experience.
Currently I am working on the prototype. I already have a few core-mechanics working; Map generation, decoration-spawning, path's between POI's (Points Of Interest) & cities, basic movement. I will update this page everytime I have finished a mayor new feature for the project. Once all features are build, I will switch over to full development. In this stage I will attract more developers & artists to the project, in order to finish the project.