About 1 and a half years ago I wanted to make a "3D" 2DPixel game in RPG Paper Maker, however due to it's limited base engine and my non-existant scripting knowledge I scrapped the prototype.
It was already running however the game would have been repetetive without randomization.
Basically in it you play a Sterotypical russian in some russian city. Your "healthbar" is a bottle of vodka from which you drink every few secounds reducing it (also is reduced by taking damage). If it hits 0, it's game over.
Your secound hud is a shotglass which fills each time your character took a shot from the bottle. The more in it, the more drunk the character is and the harder it is to control him. If it hits 100% it's game over (if you haven't already lost from crashing into too many objects), can be reduced by picking up cigarettes.
You can only move forwad and evade left and right (which is messed up by drunkness). You have to avoid objects such as trash, crates, signs, cars etc., pick up good Power Ups like a hip flask with a russian flag on it for more vodka, and avoid bad ones like a hip flask with an american flag on it which damages you.
Colliding against objects would break them, I made a destroyed sprite for each object (except car, it has a stop one) and sounds and special behaviours such as fire hydrant spawning water moving over the map.
The goal would be to survive as long as possible or perhaps traverse changing landscapes, however I didn't get that far in the making because I couldn't randomize object placements which would make it pretty repetetive and annoying to make due to base engine limitations.
I already have 2D sprites ready and would be willing to make more or get help for them. Due to private life stuff I sadly can't programm it myself, so I need someone for that.
So yeah, if you are a programmer and think this sounds fun, write down in the comments and add me on Discord! My tag is on my profile. And no, the stuff above is not definite, so if someone worked with me I would be more than happy to change stuff if it were a convinience for them without killing the game.