Hello, This is Togay. We are developing a side scroller action adventure with Unreal Engine. And we are looking for a team mate who can help us for animations of the several custom humanoid characters
The Team: We are 18 volunteer people across the world. We have programming, 3D art, 2D art, UI design,Sound production, concept art , story telling and departmants and there are all active.
The Project : Adanath is a side scroller action adventure game which has a epic story. You may see more from here ; https://twitter.com/adanathgameen/status/1432078267977195522?s=21 and youtube
Progres: We are currently working on concepting, prototyping and asset creation. Also we are writing the story and the quests and musicians are working on the alpha level musics. A
What are we looking for?
- 3D modeller who can rig for Unreal Engine
- Work well with taking and giving feedbacks
Other Open Roles : We are looking for; *General 3D modeller can create buildings and also their interiors.
note 1: you may see the roadmap at attached. I can’t share more bacause of NDA contract and I had to erase some steps from the chart which are secrets of the development phase. ( if it wont open, please let me know, i can share the detailed plan with you)
note 2: If you are non of these roles but still believe and want to be a part of this amazing team, please feel free to DM me. We are always welcome new talents and friends.
How To Apply: Please contact me via mail or discord. togaykurtulus@gmail.com togaykurtulus#6063
I hope this is the first step for a long and great cooperations. Thank you ! note 3: If you are still reading this, you should probably say hi to me. We can share our ideas and help each other.