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SIC-1 Solutions

Forum for posting SIC-1 solutions · By jaredkrinke

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A topic by CakeEaterGames created Aug 27, 2021 Views: 433 Replies: 2
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(4 edits) (+1)
;                                Token recognition Block                             ;
 subleq 0, 0, @start             ;Reserve the memory for the program
 subleq 0, 0, 0
 subleq 0, 0, 0
 subleq 0, 0, 0
 subleq 0, 0, 0
 subleq 0, 0, 0
 subleq 0, 0, 0
 subleq 2, 2                     ;Clear the first instruction
 subleq @t, @t
 subleq @t, @IN                  ;Check what word is coming (\0 \n . s)
 subleq @a, @a
 subleq @a, @t, 0                ;if \0 jump to the begining of a stored program
 subleq @a, @p10, @readToken     ;if \n read another line
 subleq @a, @p36, @dotToken      ;if '.' .data token
 subleq @a, @p69, @sToken        ;if 's' subleq token
                                 ;Random numbers because it's faster to subtract differences between symbols
                                 ;instead of comparing to each one
                                 ;10 = 10-0    ;36 = 46-10    ;69 = 115-46 (\n=10 .=46 s=115)
 subleq @i, @p1                  ;Set loop variable to 1 (only 1 number after .data)
 subleq @a, @p4                  ;Read 5 more symbols ."data "
@dotInLoop:                      ;By the time we get here @a is zero so no need to clear it
 subleq @t, @IN
 subleq @a, @n1, @dotInLoop
 subleq @a, @a, @readNumber
 subleq @i, @p3                  ;Set loop variable to 3 (3 numbers after subleq)
 subleq @a, @p5                  ;Read 6 more symbols s"ubleq "
@sInLoop:                        ;By the time we get here @a is zero so no need to clear it
 subleq @t, @IN
 subleq @a, @n1, @sInLoop
 subleq @a, @a, @readNumber
;                                   Number parsing Block                             ;
 subleq @a, @IN               ;@a is cleared after we get a token
 subleq @t, @t
 subleq @t, @a, @endOfNum     
 subleq @t, @p32, @endOfNum   ;Check if less than or equal to 32. \n or space
 subleq @t, @p13, @foundMinus ;Check if minus
 subleq @a,@a, @skipMinus     ;both sets @a to zero and skips the negative flag
 subleq @isPositive, @n1      ;If there was a minus in the number set the minus flag and read another number
 subleq @a, @a, @readNumber   ;This check is made in every digit, inefficient but short
                              ;To add digit A to the end of number B And get new number C
                              ;C = B * 10 + A
 subleq @t, @p3               ;finish converting ascii to int
 subleq @ml, @p9              ;Set mul loop variable to 9. Multiply 9 times. Not 10. The 10th part is added after the loop
@mulLoop:                     ;Since @ml always ends up being 1 at the end of the loop, no need to clear it
 subleq @a,@numb
 subleq @ml, @n1, @mulLoop
 subleq @numb, @a             ;Add the multiplied by 9 part of a number to itself.
 subleq @numb, @t             ;Add the next digit to the number
 subleq @a,@a, @readNumber    ;Read another number
;                                  Write to memory Block                             ;
 subleq @t, @t
 subleq @isPositive, @p0, @skipNegative          ;Negate a number if a flag is set
 subleq @isPositive, @isPositive
 subleq @t, @numb
 subleq @a, @a
 subleq @a, @t               
 subleq @numb, @a             ;I think this can be shorter somehow
 subleq @numb, @a
 subleq @t, @numb              ;Check if number is 255
 subleq @t, @n1, @ch255        ;The program shouldn't jump to 255 when it ends
 subleq @t, @t, @writeMem      
 subleq @t, @n1, @writeMem
 subleq @numb, @numb           ;found 255
 subleq @numb, @resetPos       ;Instead it jumps to the @resetLoop lable to start the process over
 subleq @t, @t, @writeMem      
 subleq 0, @numb               ;Write the number to the memory
 subleq @writeMem, @n1         ;increment the memory pointer
 subleq @resetLoopPtr, @n1     ;increment pointers for clearing memory
 subleq @resetLoopPtr+1, @n1 
 subleq @len, @p1              ;Count how long the program is
 subleq @numb, @numb         
 subleq @a, @a
 subleq @i,@n1, @readNumber    ;While have more numbers, keep reading
 subleq @t, @t, @readToken     ;Read another token if don't have more numbers
;                                        Reset Block                                 ;
 subleq @writeMem, @p1         
 subleq @resetLoopPtr, @p1      ;Decrement all pointers
 subleq @resetLoopPtr+1, @p1
 subleq 0, 0                    ;Clear the memory
 subleq @len, @n1, @resetLoop   
 subleq @t, @t, @readToken      ;Go back to reading new tokens for a new program
@numb: .data 0        ;For storing the number
@t: .data 0
@a: .data 0
@i: .data 1           ;Input number count loop
@ml: .data 1          ;Multiplication loop
@len: .data 1         ;Program length 
@isPositive: .data 0  ;Flag for negative numbers
@n1: .data -1
@p0: .data 0
@p1: .data 1
@p3: .data 3
@p4: .data 4
@p5: .data 5           ;Constants sea
@p9: .data 9           
@p10: .data 10
@p13: .data 13
@p32: .data 32
@p36: .data 36
@p69: .data 69
@resetPos: .data -64 ;Location of a @resetLoop
(1 edit)

Itch removes extra lines and the code becomes harder to read

Developer (1 edit)

Yeah, that's unfortunate that Itch's forum removes blank lines from code blocks -- I'll report that problem.

Nice work on all the comments!

Edit: reported the forum bug here: Pasting text into discussion forum text input box loses blank lines - Ideas & Feedback -