Hello ! First of all i am not sure if this is the place to ask for it, so feel free to delete the post if u need to.
I have some questions about Visutella plugins for MZ. Is it possible to edit them once you buy them?
I own the Visutella Boost System, and I want to add a few more options to the system :
- Change the skill completly depending on how many - orbs, balls, eggs, the octopath traveller charging system- are used.
- Make the modifiers ( per stack) independent for everyskill, not just the basic mechanic of <Boost damage, turns, effect... etc> for all the skills. ( is that already possible and i am blind? :$)
- The possibility of adding states and other stuff depending on the charges the user used for the skill.
I am open to some feedback or help on the matter. English isnt my native language so sorry in advance ;)