WORLD OF PARANOIA has been released today!.
WORLD OF PARANOIA is a dystopian world that offers you the power to play the role of a supercomputer in a not too distant future.
RESEARCH NEW TECHNOLOGIES - Each new technology you research increases your chances of generating more resources, building new facilities, and controlling your citizens.
BUILD YOUR UTOPIA- As the game progresses, you can build new facilities in your futuristic complex.
Beware of TRAITORS! A citizen who is not happy is a traitor. A citizen who yearns for freedom is a traitor. And those who are criminals or belong to a secret society ... the worst traitors!. Search for traitors using snitches, electric eyes or security robots. Many of your citizens hide a lot of secrets.
SECRET SOCIETIES - The unhappy citizens will join secret societies . The 'Runners' will try destroy you with cyberattacks, The 'Drones' will demand equality of social classes from you or they will destroy your complex. The 'Dreamers' will live in a virtual world and will not be productive, The 'Cult of sirius' will be your ally as long as you are their God, 'Antirobots' will destroy your robots, and the 'Protechs' will murder those last ones to save robots ... And there are secret societies planned for the future of the game!.
CONTROL YOUR CITIZENS - Give them happiness pills, lock them up in isolation chambers, lobotomize them, implant chips in their brains, clone them, or turn them into pure energy... use your imagination but be careful, they might rebel against you.
AND GET READY FOR THE WAR - The other factions will attack you very soon. Are you ready for this endless war?.
Will you be able to achieve hive mind consciousness?. Will you build the final utopia?. Will you defeat your enemies on the battlefield?...
Remember to do it early, as your citizens conspire against you in a world where no one trusts anyone. A WORLD OF PARANOIA.