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Looking for feedback for our survival-sandbox RPG, Terafall

A topic by P1Ent created Aug 11, 2021 Views: 184
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I would sincerely appreciate feedback on the first playable release of a survival sci-theme game I've been working on. It's called Terafall, and it's about exploring a new planet to gather natural resources to ultimately save your own dying home planet. The playable build so far lets you create a character with some light customization elements and six playable races, and explore a huge procedurally generated world with different biomes, flora and fauna, enemies, dungeons/caverns, etc.

If you're interested in giving the game a try and want to provide feedback, it would be appreciated if you could answering some of the below questions. Also, as this is the first playable build, it will be no doubt ridden with bugs, so if you're willing to give the game a try, please do let us know of any bugs you come across, also. Page:

Feedback questions: 

How long did you play the game for?

What did you enjoy most about the game?

What did you least enjoy about the game?

What did you think of the graphics, and how could they be improved?

Did you enter any dungeons (caves, mines, ruins, etc), explore, etc?

Did you come across any bugs?

Of course, feel free to suggest any other feedback, and you don't have to answer all or any of the questions if you don't want to - any feedback whatsoever is sincerely appreciated! Thanks for your time reading and if you do decide to give Terafall a try, I hope you enjoy it!