My name is Idir Amrouche, I am the founder of the gamedev studio "Kiro Team". We are currently working on our first game:
- A short 2D adventure with beautiful hand drawn art and a very pleasing soundtrack
- An interesting story around the theme of regret and the value of the present moment
- Made with unity
- Platform: PC/Mac
- Inspired by Hollow Knight and Journey
Please take a look at a short gameplay video (work still in progress of course, with placeholder enemies) to feel the game atmosphere. You can also check our Twitter page where we share daily news about our development: @KiroTeamGames
We are currently looking for a freelance environment artist whose art can match our current art direction. This will be, as mentioned in the title, a paid work. I am not an expert when it comes to estimate artistic work but I expect the mission to last for 1 month or 2.
If you are interested, contact me and I will give you more details:
- Mail: idiramrouche7@gmail.com
- Discord: bluelion27#4180
Feel free to tell me if there is any missing information in this post,
See you soon,