Hello to everyone!
This is my first game.
It is a space shooter based in colors, quite dificult, it is more easy lose points than wining them at beginning, it requires certain skills and practice like all games.
It has the mechanics of a famous 2d Game based in Color but this game is in 3d with constant movement, Slow Motion, shoot laser and ton of fun.
The basic is : you shoot or collide with a cube of your color you gain points or lose if it is a different color the cube.
The sphere change your color.
The capsule give you always points.
The Slow Motion Helps a lot to gain points.
The objects of game have erratic movements that made the game difficult :)
Rigth Now I am not very sure: what is it next?
Sugestion are welcome.
A shield and the posibility to lose when the shield fall to zero.
Improve the sthetics with a style arcade
Possibility to change your own ligth
Or change completely the free style of flying and make an infinity runner clasic.
Change the theme to food fruits and vegetables
Many Question and Possibilities.